Letter 2

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"Tamara! Get your legs of the table!" Charles yelled clearly annoyed "well I don't want to!" Tamara retorted "for goodness sake! where are your manners your a lady!" Charles said fuming while rubbing the bridge of his nose "for the sake of the gods! Why do you always have to act like you got a stick up yo-"

"don't you dear finish that statement Tamara! "Charles said sternly

" what do you mean i look ridiculous! , I'll have you known there are many people who admire my hair, good looks, beautiful body , and all round awesomeness as Val will say "raziel said while folding his hands and sticking his nose is the air" beautiful body "elfre said as she gaged" admire! that orange disaster you have on your head? "elfre said while laugh" don't call my hair orange!, I have told you befo_"

"shut! your mouth raziel or I'll shoot a bullet through your skull! "aneeka said pointing a gun at the sixth rankers head " that's it neeka give me your gun" Rowe said sternly "don't call me that! " replied the tenth rankers but before they could bicker any further they heard a crash and turned too see the fifth ranker had crash on the first. The twins had already started chanting "coval" while elfre glared at them.

*minutes later *

Valerian was still examining the letter an didn't look where she was going, before she knew it she tried on something and had falling into the first ranker the twins where chanting "corval" as elfre glare at them all eyes where on them corvan sat there completely irked and embarrassed.

"sorr_"before she could complete her apology she was roughly pushed by the first ranker "stupid witch, watch where your going! " corvan said trying to hide his embarrassment. "shut up! Idiot devil!" valerian retorted all apologies forgotten "for goodness, sake how clumsy can you be! " corvan said while trying to straighten his now crumpled shirt " I can be very clumsy for your information, Jerk warden!" Val answered, now this made corvan mad after all she fell on him "now if you think that am gonna sta_"

"well its almost time for dinner let me start preparing the things "Charles said loud enough to interrupt any more bickering as he entered the kitchen. Every body started doing what they wanted to do, corvan went back to reading his book while Val sat down glaring at him if looks could kill he'd be already dead. Occupied with glaring at corvan she forgot about the letter until Tamara asked.

"Val what's that letter in your hand " Tamara asked from across the room gaining everyone's attention." oh! Almost forgot "Val said" stupid witch"corvan muttered gaining a glare from Valerian but she turned back to the third ranker " it's a letter for us but the headings weird" Val said" what does it say "keelan inquired "to my dearest Charles and the entire Celestial circle" Val finished and she noticed Tamara's shocked expression, same with Rowe, raziel seemed in thought, corvan stopped reading his book, the rest looked confused. Corvan stood up and grab the letter from the fifth ranker and look at the writings "is it? " Tamara said before corvan answered what was on her mind "it's her" he said Tamara rushed to where he was standing grabbing the letter from his hand " well only she calls him dearest" Rowe said matter of factly "Lakov! It is she!" Tamara said clearly surprised.

"who? "Charles asked as he came out of the kitchen with a tray of food in his hand. Tamara immediately hide the letter looking at corvan, corvan on the other hand was looking at Rowe who was looking at them." well Val got a letter which said. To my dreaest Charles and the entire Celestial circle so they think it's a girl! "Genevieve said in one go, clearly excited to find out if this was Charles lover or something.

Charles looked like they poured cold water on him, he would have dropped the things in his hand if not for the table in front of him" ww-what did you say? "Charles stuttered still trying to process what he heard. Tamara gave him the letter and Charles eyes widened just believing what he heard. Only one person called him that, and he thought he would never see or hear from her again. Trying to compose him self he said "after all this time now she chooses to write to us after a demon attack" he said still staring at the paper he missed that handwriting. After what he said it was clear to every body he was trying not to show how affected he was. "can I read it Charles" Tamara asked warily "of course it's for the entire circle isn't it" Charles said a little bitter she couldn't even write to only him.
Tamara took the letter from his hand and open it there where two letters one was for Charles she gave it back to him, maybe she dose care he thought,Tamara started to read.


I know I suck at writing but just thought I should write a oneshot. Wanna know more about his girl, find it in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. Lovely hope I didn't do too bad.

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