Arrival 2

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"hi" she said "hi" Charles replied

They just stood they not knowing what else to say, Joan diverted her eyes to the steriols Charles was holding and she smiled paring up. " are those steriols?" she asked, Charles nodded trying to contain a smile at the way her eyes shone as she pared at the food, just like when they were kids, he missed that.

" Charles made them for you" Tamara said teasingly, with a wide smile. Breaking Charles out of his thoughts.

"I haven't had one in years!" Joan exclaimed

"how come?, I thought they where your favorite snacks?" Charles asked, Joan didn't seem to expect the question "um, yeah" was all she said, hmmm, maybe they had the same chef Val thought.

"how did you know I was coming today?" Joan asked

"just guessed, for one you always make it for breakfast, except for the few times you don't, and you always pick the days that has less work too do and the day you have nothing to do so you can spend your time in peace, and judging from the way things are, what better day than a Friday " Charles finished, she nodded

" guess you do know me well "Joan said Clearly impressed

" guess I do "Charles replied , everybody just watched in silence" common let's eat "Charles said, instead of returned to his chair he lead Joan to a chair and sat beside her, there was still that awkward air around them but they where trying not to show it that much, seeing Joan was not making a move to take anything he put the things she mite like on her plate, that is if she still likes them, she thanked him and began to eat. he saw her hands shake a little as she picked up the utensils, one of the signs that she wasn't in really good shape but based on her looks she was improving, seeing her struggle a little he grabbed her hand, she swallowed a little as he took the utensils from her hand.

"Charles loo-" she tried to explain "it's ok" he told her helping her cut down her food "he told you" she stated referring to corvan, he nodded,"just a few weeks and I'll be back to my old self "she assured " sure you will "he replied" OK only a little more detoriated, but I'll be fine "she said nonchalantly , Charles looked at her for a while, and then nodded giving her plate back to her. The others just watched with amused smiles.

" I heard of what happened in the Academy, how is everything going?"Joan asked breaking the silence" we've been trying to put things in order, the school will soon be going on vacation and will transfer to a new place next section "Tamara told her and she nodded" we heard you'll be taking some classes "Genevieve said looking excited " yeah I will be taking, seventh, sixth, and first year classes " Joan answered" you'll be teaching my class" Gen said with a smile "looking forward to it then, it'll be nice to see familiar faces to ease the tension a little bit" Joan said with a smile.

"ah!, yes I have been meaning to ask you something big brother" Joan said a mischievous smile playing on her lips, corvan look at his cousin warily "go on" he said, going back to eating his food "please do tell, what happened to your hair, I thought you'd never cut it, what changed your mind?" Joan asked innocently, Val got uncomfortable at this particular topic she didn't know if corvan was angry about it or not, corvan knew his cousin knew Val cut his hair in a duel but wanted to hear him say it himself, if he was being honest he wasn't happy about his hair, but the new hairdo wasn't that bad, years of growing his hair and Joan threatening to cut it anytime he complained even the slightest about it,and just one day val cut it off, sure it was pretty funny to Joan,she never understood why he wanted to keep his hair that long, when she was young she liked her hair short just above her shoulders "am pretty sure you know how joan" corvan stated "yes, but I wanted to hear you say it yourself" Joan said a chuckle leaving her lips "isn't it ironic?, all those years of growing your hair, and one day valeriana just cut it off, it's a shame thou I bought a scissor to cut your hair whenever I saw you" she said and corvan raised a brow " Yes the day I decided to grow my hair actually , thought it'll be fun me being the one to have the long hair for a change, complain about how long it takes to dry when someone accidentally or purposely dumps water on me. Well I guess Val handled it for me " Joan said teasingly looking over at Val every body couldn't help but laugh even Val she remembered the day she threw water on him" now do tell, what made you decide to grow your hair little sister, I thought it was a nuisance? "corvan asked" for the sole purpose of my hair flying in the wind as I sail the seas hanging from the ropes, wind in my face "Joan answered in a matter-of-fact tone. Just then they heard a cough, they all turned to Charles who was trying to contain his laughter by coughing but soon couldn't help it" you remember that? " Charles asked through Fits of laughter.

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