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Secrets, we all keep them for various reasons, some to save themselves from embarrassment some from consequences and for some others the reasons are greater and have far more severe consequences, for some others they keep it to protect the once they love and for some it's just plain fear.
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Joan woke up in the middle of the night, those nightmares she'd use to have when she was a kid becoming frequent and darker, most people would wake up screaming or with someone by there side waking them up and telling them it's OK. But not Joan, she didn't wake screaming and trashing around in her bed , no, she woke up with a quick Jerk of the eye, unsteady breathing and an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach, truth be told Joan had never had a good night's sleep since she left the Academy, most of her nights have consisted of waking up alone in the middle of the night , then train till morning and go on with the days work, sometimes even though she'll never admit it, too scared to go to sleep.

Joan was outside in the twelves training area practicing some moves she'd been working on, too focused on getting those dreams out of her head to focus on her surroundings.

" tough night ? " Charles asked, he'd been standing there for a while now watching and wondering what could be so important that Joan wouldn't even notice him coming out , he just chose that she was ignoring him.

"yeah" Joan grunted out as she stopped gasping for air. She noticed how Charles watched her intensely , as if there was something he was trying to figure out, walking closer to her he put his hand gently to her face she visible flinched causing Charles to panic before leaning into the touch, the feeling new to her like a animal your petting for the first time, Charles moved to hold her in his arms scared she'd pull away but to his surprise she let him cradle her showing him just how broken she was but oddly enough her nightmares were all forgotten as Charles lead her to her room, both unaware of valeriana watching them with a smile. he took her to her room and to his surprise she didn't let go pleading he'd stay with her eyes, too scared to say it with her mouth, just like that with a final kiss to the head he whispered "want to talk about it?"

"No" she answered , his silent chuckle at how blunt she was yet showing he understood, his arms rocking her slowly as they both drifted to sleep smiling for different reasons.


The next morning Joan was woken by a knock on her door, she opened the door to see the twins and Tamara smiling broadly at her, a blushing valeriana and a disgruntled looking corvan, Rowe had his normal charming smile, even elfre, aneeka and raziel where smiling at her, keelan had a sandwich in his hands trying to look in the room and Brindon well was himself but the general could swear there was a glint in his eyes.

"Good morning " she greeted giving them a blank look

" where Charles? "Tamara asked inviting herself into the room along with the twins.

" Charles? " Joan asked confused she could hear corvan grumbling something about privacy and stuff

" yes Val said - "Genevieve was cutoff by Charles walking out of the bathroom with a towel raped round his waist his hair wet and clinging to his face, there was still some water droplets on his skin causing it to glow in a way, wait! What!?, the nights events crashing into her head.
"Joan I made you some tea, and you should really ta-" he cut himself off as he saw the people staring back at him with huge grins he also noticed how stiff Joan was clearly not enjoying this. Bringing his fingers to the bridge of his nose he massaged slowly trying to ward off the headache that was coming on.

"out!, now! " he ordered and they all immediately filed out" sorry for interrupting, but food is ready" keelan said sheepishly before closing the door. The general couldn't help but shake her head she turned to see Charles staring at her.

"tea, medicine " he said before moving to get dressed into a male clothing she'd made that fit him perfectly, he smiled remembering how she'd always liked fashion and knowing she remembered she owed him a dress," shall we go " he said with a smile she nodded with a small smile shaking her head this only caused his smile to widen" just let me freshen up" she said and Charles nodded taking the time to go down and bring the food up instead using it as an opportunity for them to talk, he new Joan was hiding something he just didn't know what.

"hmm" Joan mused sitting down on the chair opposite of Charles, she'd always had her meals alone or sometimes with not more than a few people but she'd come to enjoy sitting with the twelve even though they were a little reserved around her, but breakfast with Charles didn't sound bad, she offered a smile to which he returned as they started eating.

"so what's wrong with you? " Charles asked and Joan smiled, straight to the point. She appreciated it when people didn't try to beat around the Bush

" Nothing am fine " she lied with ease

" what I saw yesterday doesn't really help you in anyway joan" Charles said cooly trying not to lose his temper

" it was just a nightmare " Joan said with a sigh Charles was aware when they where kids she would cry herself to sleep and wake up screaming, they weren't allowed to go close too her at night, it was said she was never herself but then she grew up, lost her memory she stopped having those wild nightmares again.

"since when did it start? "

" shortly before I left the Academy, but it's just got worst since my memories returned . "
All Charles could do was nod, Joan had told him what he wanted to hear, not what he needed to he'd try his luck next time.

" am going to meet with Lord aeron today, maybe you, me and corvan can start training tomorrow " he nodded again he knew the court leader knew something but he also felt the old man was still as clueless as them he could tell by the crest that forms on the man's head anytime Joan is brought up.

" Lord aeron" Joan said in greeting as she walked into the room

" well my dear you seem to be having quite the impression on our dear valeriana, she claims your presence is, overwhelming " Lord aeron said with a smile

" oh, really" the general said with a smile of her own if anybody had seen it they would do a double take to make sure if it was she they where looking at, the smile wasn't pleasant in anyway ,it was cruel, could send enemies cowering away in an instant, it was a smile the court leader knew so well when she was young mischievous, wild and free, it was the smile of a beast they had to tame something Joan herself had been fighting ever since she gained her memories.

"let's get to the point, an information for an information, and mine regards a certain insane person that goes by the name Chavi, if I let you see her you have to let me help you " the court leader said in all seriousness looking at the general who was back to being emotionless.

" Deal! " she hissed and then it heat him the pure overwhelming energy, before he knew what happened she was gone a note left in her place" I'll be back before dinner "

So that's it for this chapter, hope you all like it. Thanks you so much for reading this far.

Till next time ;-)

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