where is she?

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The twelve stood in silence as they watched Corvan assimilate all he was told,  they watched with bated breaths as he stared into space waiting for him to blow  up.

"she's gone? " he asked in a whisper thou they knew it was anything but a question, he was trying to rap his head around what he'd been told.

"No,  it can not be possible she was right there, with me  holding me we..... We........ No this can not be" he spoke  shaking his head.

"we know, it's just like she disappeared into thin air there are no signs of where she might have gone " Charles explain the predicament with a push of his glasses trying not to show the young lord any signs of pity that would only aggravate him more.

"she wouldn't just leave like that after  all we... I..... Something must have happened something must have, I have to figure it out" Corvan said getting up,  he winced as pain shot through his body thou he tried not to show it that much.

"Corvan I think it's best you rest, if you where to go their you'll  only find what we've already told you " Rowe tried to stop him.

"so what?!, you expect me to to sit while she's missing in gods know where, I can't" he  spoke and they pretended not to notice the crack in his voice as he spoke the last part.

"not to sit and do nothing just to rest at least until Joan arrives maybe she could help " Charles said and at the mention of her name Corvan's head snapped towards Charles

"when  Will she arrive? "

"tomorrow , because of a little situation "

"how is she? " Corvan asked suddenly realizing what the 4th ranker might have felt when he heard she'd also disappeared.

"they were able to contain her demonic out burst but it still seems to be unstable and constantly draining her energy, she can't let it out for obvious reasons she also cannot contain it cause it's affecting her, plus with val not being here, let's just say she's really not good but as always, she hides it well" Charles said seriously laughing a little to the end but he could never masks the pain in his eyes.

"will find her Corvan, we will not stop searching, cause I know how it feels " Charles spoke again before quickly leaving ,the others following suit.

Corvan thought of how bad Charles was missing his cousin how val not being here meant more weight on her shoulders which was not good for her unstable condition,  he thought of how Charles felt only just finding her again he wanted to go and search for Valerian but he knew what they said was right so until his cousin arrives he could only rest and for the first time it felt wrong and painfully agonizing .

Joan could barely keep herself up on her familiar she felt weak yet she kept a firm face and a stiff body her only give away was the cold sweat breaking on her forehead the others watched through the corner of their eyes in case she would need help,  a silent whimper made it's way to her throat as she pushed back the demonic energy one more time  .

As soon as the landed Joan walked in hurried steps she locked herself in an empty room as a sharp pain rocked through her body causing her to wither on the ground, she could hear banging on the door she didn't want to be seen like this she pushed herself to the corner of the room the door finally gave way, Elaine, Charles, Corvan and lord Aeron walked in the rest stood outside to make sure no one came closer to the door.

It pained Charles to see her in that cloak withering in the corner not able to control the pain that rocked through her body and a whimper was a strange thing to be heard on her lips.

"stop!, not a step closer!" she hissed as Charles move closer.

" Joan dearest " Charles spoke paying no heed to her words he crouched down in front of her and gingerly removed the cloak from her face , his hands lightly traced it's curves, using his thumb he wiped her tears
"beautiful " he whispered his hands grabbing a strand of her black hair . He smiled as Joan sent a little smile his way his presence easing her turmoil,  she buried herself into him and they sat like that  as the other quietly made their way out.

Celeste Academy one shot Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon