Training Begins

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" what are you doing here?" Joan asked the man beaming at her but she was in no mood for his antics.

"hmmm" the man sighed "and here I thought you'd be happy to see me" he said feigning hurt

Joan rolled her eyes which was unlike her, her walk was different the man noticed she sat on a bench and in a deep threatening voice asked "what. Do. You. Want" the man shivered

"um , Because of the masquerade ball In which my presence is needed I will not be able to join, you and the rest on your journey I will just met you at Dovengia "he said immediately

" I see" she said nodding slowly, the ball was in one week and she would not attend, Bertram would be disappointed cause she told him once he'd make a good King, and she would stand by his side, back then he was tainted and it was going fast she was able to reduce the energy but not cure him, she was thankful he found valerian " I would have you send a very special gift to the Prince for me, it's a shame I cannot go." She told him

"As you wish" the man said beaming at her again as if what happened before was all just a figment of his imagination.

" puppet" Joan spoke as he walk towards the portal a little calmer no liking how she snapped at him before .but it was something they had gotten used to, since they knew Joan was stressed so it was quickly forgotten.


" me and you both know the demons will strike " she said and he nodded knowing what she was saying.

" I'll keep an eye out for anything ,I've gotten quit good at detecting demonic presence " he beamed and Joan couldn't help a small smile to her friend and trusted comrade, which pleased the lord ,far more that it should he convinced himself that it was because she hardly ever smiled.


Joan once again woke up in the middle of the night, after another nightmare, they where becoming more frequent.

Val had also woken up in the middle of the night again, a strange change in the energy of the house which she could feel due to her sensitivity, it was as if someone had briefly emitted this wave but it was all gone the first time she felt this was when she found Charles and Joan , she blushed at the memory seeing the way Joan melted at the site of Charles all fronts forgotten as she let her weakness show, suddenly a particular green eyes came to her memory holding the same coldness Joan eyes seem to carry, her eyes briefly drifted to the ring on her finger, the wylden cosmos sat there seeming to glow in the night . Sighing with the knowledge she could not sleep again she made her way down just then she heard noises coming from the training area, she peeped just in time to see Joan hit multiple targets with one draw for her bow hitting them all bullseye, just then Joan picked two knife running at full speed that it was almost a blur she used the wall as a prop pushing herself in the air doing a double spin before landing perfectly on the ground not wasting time giving kicks and turns swift movement of the hand and fancy foot work that it looked like she was doing an intricate dance step, and it didn't help she was alone.

Val noticed the way she moved with out restraint or any difficulty ,free flowing like water , yet how her feet was firm to the ground balanced and stable, strong as earth, yet still light on her feet with every jump,every twist and every turn ,as if she was one with the air, yet still with this ferocious aggressiveness ,persistent and wild as fire. With all of this moving together in harmony as she moved seamlessly bounded by one spirit.

As valeriana continue to watch. Mesmerized by her movement, she did even notice that huge fire ball heading directly for her she let out a huge scream before the fire dissipated right before her face, revealing Joan who looked slightly shock before regaining her blank expression "it is true what they say, you do sound like a banshee" the general stated simply, great her voice was enough to break Joan's mask she thought before realising she was mad.

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