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As the imperial six well now five journeyed towards Denovegasia Joan felt the weight of the Vernados firmament on her finger and the promise she had made, she had promised to return to him, Joan silently cursed herself for her stupidity her lips still tingling from their shared kiss, where had her heartlessness gone she knew she had messed up the moment she knocked on the twelves door, the moment she agreed to come back, but the thought of dying made her want to see him to be by his side again but this was too much accepting the ring was foolish of her, she was giving him hope and promising to come back only for him to watch her die again it was too much of a burden to be placed on anybody and she knew it will also be hard for her to let go, the sacrifice will be too hard for her to make with him around she was afraid she would be selfish but if there was no other way she would have to do it.

Joan finally decided to put her worries away and think of something else but when her mind kept going back to a certain blue eyed someone she let out a frustrated sigh.

"what troubles you little one " her familiar asked purposely adding little one to irk her Joan couldn't help but smile, she had had Aviel by her side for as long as she could remember the beast had come to her as a teacher to help her control herself but it only seemed good at annoying her and though they seemed so different Aviel signified the part of Joan that died a long time ago they were the best of friends she could never imagine herself without her.

"everything " she said vaguely but the beast heard her loud and clear

"we will find away " it told her"but it has to be done, and he has to be there" it added the last part knowing fully well why she was worried

"dose he really? " Joan asked hopefully

" thou cannot fight without him by your side in such a battle your mind will be at two places at a time not knowing if his safe " the beast told her and she knew it to be true so she kept quiet throughout the journey, they reached the denovegasia fortress before nightfall and was greeted by Eres the elder brother of Keelan they where ushered to the rooms they would stay for the night before they would leave the next day Joan was escorted to a meeting with the Eres and his father.

"welcome back General " the man greeted jovially

"yes it's been awhile " Joan said giving him a court nod before taking her sit he waited for her to have a sip of the wine trying to put his words together.

"so the war is coming " he finally said with a sigh

" it is" Joan answered

" what are the demons planning? " Eres wondered

" well they came looking for me to break me , I don't know what there planning but I can assure you it's going to be big ,and we will be ready for them" Joan said

"are you sure?"the man asked

"we have to be" Joan whispered

"so what are the plans ?" Eyes asked

"I will be leaving each of my knights in each kingdom to train the army in line with whatever plan you people come up with " she said

" you will not be involved? " the lord asked raising a brow at this.

"I have discussed this with lord Arron and lord Leland and have come to the conclusion that because of certain reasons it would be best I am not aware of the specifics of the plan which will be made known to you in due time" she told him and he gave her a nod of understanding his curiosity spiked but he said nothing of it.

After the little meeting she retired to her room to rest for the coming day. After they had had breakfast fast which Joan had in her room no a fan of the noisy and rowdy way they had there breakfast, they got the supplies they needed from the journey loading it on their familiars .

"if you would like I could take you to -" he offered but Joan cut him off

"there's no need for that, I know the place quite well, I've been there before " he told him and his eyes widened with curiosity but he did not ask her anything.

Joan and her comrades took off towards Dirinia,joan remembered being taken there before when she was little they where asking for the blessings of earth but where told she was too young to understand what she would be given, and they should come back when she was older, now seemed to be the right time, and she knew exactly what she would be given and how it would help her. They dismount From the familiars close to Forest .

"is this the place "Joan heard sai ask

"No" she answered

"then why did we stop here"he asked, Joan could almost hear the whining in his voice, 'that lazy bloke' she thought .

"we have to go ahead on foot, I don't think it would be wise to go on with our familiars especially when heading into their territory" she answered and he kept quiet as they made the journey stopping when they reached the swamps it water was so clear you could see its bottom, the rocks and fishes.

"wow, it's beautiful " sia stated and the rest stared in awe. Joan made her way forward and saw a man waiting for them , unlike other guardians of other continents the one in Denovegasia look like a average Valemian except for their dark skin mahogany coloured hair and golden colored eyes .

"who are you? " he asked

"Joan von vashna Dela wylden" she told him " and this are my comrades" she answered and he gave her a nod eyes watching her intently and she knew why.

"we have been expecting you " he finally spoke, Joan arched a brow at this "I will take you to chief Tilde " he said leading them through a maze of bridges, they made it to a hut in the trees slightly bigger than the rest inside there was a woman who Joan assumed to be the chief and a young girl by her side.

"good Day, welcome " she greeted but her eyes and the little girl eyes were fixed only on her suddenly the little girl walked up to Joan taking her had she looked at her with concern

"you are in turmoil " she spoke and Joan was surprised but she didn't show it "the energy inside of you is not your own " she spoke again with knowing eyes and Joan found herself nodding "but don't worry it is yours to Control all you have to do is believe, trust in yourself and remember what your fighting for " she told her and with a cheeky grin she added " Am Aspen " she told her and Joan found her self smiling at the little girl looking into her golden eye"joan" she replied "Joanna " the girl spoke and Joan frowned shaking her head "Joan " she repeated and the girl mirrored get look and frowned shaking her head as well "Joanna " she said firmer than before, taken aback she just smiled and let her be she wondered if she and Charles would have a daughter she wouldn't mind if she was exactly like this golden eyed girl in front of her ,the girl smiled in triumph as everyone shared amused smiles.

"I suppose you came for the blessings am I right " chief Tilde asked getting straight to the point

"if Denoga would give it to me " Joan answered

"your blessings had already been given it all depending on when you were ready to ask" she told her before turning to aspen the girl smiled turning to Joan her eyes began to glow that golden color as she spoke.

"calm and flowing as the sea, free and proud as the skies, passionate and stubborn as the flames, resilient and firm as the mountains " the earth is the best for all elements and the richest, however as much as it receives it gives, unconditional supporting the others without qualms, unhesitatingly and self-assured yet humble to the core " she finished and Joan felt energy course through her and for the first time in a long time she felt balanced.

Joan thanked them before she left with her comrades there was one more stop she had to Make before going to Aerthria and she had to make it quick the faster they get it over the better.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the chapter, the book is getting closer to its end .

Oh and I said in the last chapter that I was walking on a story, it's called ONCE UPON A BARN pls you can go to my profile to check it out pleassssse.

Well please vote and comment thank you until next time ; -)

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