Battle of words in the king's court

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The air was silent as there was  no one to be seen for miles and frankly no one ever would only her raggered breathing could be heard, haven't  moved from her current position in over a week had taken a toll on her body her thin frame and sickly pale skin a glaring indication of her lack of self preservation she was lucky she'd been blessed by the gods even in this state she could not hide her alluring beauty her thin form making her look so fragile that no one could bare to lay a finger on her in fear of chattering her, her pale skin as white as paper had a strange glow making her into a doll like ethereal creature . She cursed that old lady over and over in her head as her body couldn't take it anymore and she cough up a mouth full of blood painting her lip read some how adding to her beauty as a smile made its way to her lips finally progress the next time she tried she would surely succeed.

If you weren't sure yet yes this girl was Joan and if you where wondering how she got into such a pitiful state , well the goddess of faith told her how to solve her problem but she didn't mention the cost of faliure trying to merge light and dark together was going against nature and for every failed attempt it chipped a piece of her soul and countless failed attempts have left her in her current state now, but she wasn't too worried Everytime she failed she got insight and now she had gotten the final piece she needed hey current state of appearance wasn't the most frightening aspect of her situation as she lifted her head to reveal two dull soulless eyes that spoke of death having lost their luster  

" How long as it been?" she muttered to herself  having lost track of time lately she had been feeling pressure to move faster that they may come for her at anytime she moved to stand but fell flat on the ground her vision darkening " there's no time , there's no time " she muttered as her vision completely went black fatigue finally catching up to her .


Meanwhile in valemia the whole continents have been thrown into chaos as the demons continued there attacks all over valemia their numbers increasing by the day valeriana has gotten quite popular as she had to intervene in many cases but they have tried to keeps information about her to a barest minimum as many think they are just tales told to comfort them in this time  of need. The twelve have been all over there place in there continents fighting off the demons while war preparations were going on  they where giving anyone who could fight a sword and the responsibility to  protect the people while the knights where of to war.

Today the moon had a tinge of reddish hue signifying that any day within the coming month the blood moon would come signifying the beginning of war the demons who where acting reckless before where beginning to pull back and the knights where working to kill as many as they could.

Currently the twelve , some commanders and the continental Lord's along with Lord aeron the arch Duke and the gate keeper where present in the king's court to decide on an important matter.

" Welcome my loyal subjects I thank you all for coming this evening in such a short notice when the threat of the demons are upon us" king bertam stated

" It is our honor to serve our king! " those present choursed well mostly the commanders

" Yes, yes And I appreciate you all the matter we are about to discuss is a very serious matter and not to be discussed outside this room do you understand?"

" Yes my king!" They choursed once more

" This matter will affect you all so i thought it was a must to discuss it with all of you present I know you all have been wondering why general Joanna has not been present during this trying times" at the mention of Joan there was an uproar mutters every where they where sure if she was around it would greatly have helped to destroy the demons sooner and they where also worried if she was fine and would be able to make it to battle

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