six against hundreds

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"we will be going now " lord Aeron said practically dragging lord leiland with him .

"I would like a word, court master" Charles said with so much authority he stopped in his tracks everybody was stunned, Charles walked to the side and lord Aeron followed
"fortify the barrier " he told lord, leiland who happily oblige

"what do you want boy "lord Aeron asked the playfulness gone from his eyes .

"I want to know what is going on"Charles asked and lord Aeron sighed

"I know what she means too you and what you mean to her" he said " let her be the one to tell you herself " he told him.

Lord Leiland opened the barrier for Charles too pass, Charles walked into the dimly lit passage to Joan's dark room which had only a candle lit, she was at the far corner on her chair in front a mirror, she looked haggard,sweating profusely and panting she stared at her reflection In the mirror her eyes never living it once.

"you can't run from who you are"she whispered aware of his presence.

"what do you see? " Charles asked

"a half Valemian half demon ,half man and half beast "she gave a humorless laugh, her mouth  dry from all the  screaming.

Charles didn't show emotion when she stood up walking towards him her left eye completely black while the other shown the brightest he had seen it in a long time that beautiful purple, her platinum blonde hair now had black streaks, slowly  two horns protruded from her head her nails long and dark  a pair of black wings sprouted from her back she stretched them showing him their true glory a sinister smile playing on her lips , she  was both chaos and peace with each fighting for the greater portion of her soul yet she kept them at bay residing in the  middle.

"funny isn't it Charles " she asked "I am what I was trained to kill " she let out an ear shattering laugh "you calm me Charles, never before have I been able to reach this state without one  poisoning me, maybe it's because with you there are no need for fronts"she mused before she staggered on her feet before falling but Charles  cut her before she hit the floor, her right eye began to bleed as she clutched her head her energy becoming considerable dark and too much for him to handle and as if reading her  mind.

"your beautiful "he whispered Into her hair as he held her in his arms  "you'll always be good enough for me" he told her and Immediately her eyes where back to  normal, both purple her nails where back inside her wings had retreated back, the only thing left was the horns and the black streaks on her hair.

"thank you "she said with a sigh as she stood up to look at the  mirror. "I've  been stuck like this for hours, the horns won't just go back inside "she told him  "lord Leiland says I have to  be calm" she said with a small frown

"your've never been calm in ages "Charles mused"thou you seem calm but your energy is always moving all over the place, what makes him think you'd be better now " he said and she shrugged

"who knows "she sighed

"focus on me"Charles told her "clear your mind  and focus on me, and remember your beautiful ,Joan dearest " the result shocked him.

She stood before him with clear purple eyes her skin seemed brighter her hair the whitest he'd ever seen it,  it was like looking back to when they where children and the energy had not taken this much hold on her.

"am beautiful? "she said as if hearing those words for the first time.


The rest watched how lord Leiland had to fortify the barrier  every few seconds as Charles was there, Valeriana had to be moved away from there as the energy became unbearable for her, puppet and the two old men stood away from the group as the talked in hush tones.

"it worked "lord Leiland mused

"since when have I ever been wrong on my intuition? "lord Aeron asked

"she loves him" puppet who had seen the whole thing through the eyes of his puppet sighed,  he was jealous, he wanted to be the one to be able to calm her beast, but the sooner he learnt to move on the better.

"you'll learn to love someone else too"lord Areon told him with a pat to the back truly he felt sorry for the  young lord.

After  a while  of waiting the rest had gone with there trainers as Charles had told them too, the twins, Corvan and Valeriana sat patiently waiting for the general from where they stood they could see the rest receiving  training , and where excited of what kind of training they would receive.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, val felt something connect with her side and before she could process it she was sent huddling across the vast fields followed by  Genevieve and zevlin.  When they looked up Joan stood  in front of them  by her side Corvan,  the cousins looked on with arrogance.

"for someone with so much sensitivity you couldn't sense such a clear attack? "she asked val who was still processing everything

"what? " she asked in confusion causing Corvan to scoff to which val didn't miss a bit to glare at the  first ranks.

"Genevieve work on detecting danger, on the battlefield anything could be a sigh of danger even a little leave falling from a tree "she told her and she nodded in understanding.

"zevlin when something out of place  happens like Corvan did, it is best to withdraw and access the situation " she stated before beckoning  for them to follow.

"zevlin and val will be meditating, Zevlin don't fight it  don't force it, it will come when it's ready, it is an extension of your soul trust it, it knows you more than you know your self" she told him.

"have you been in a similar situation before? "he asked

"yes "she gave a nod" there was a time I couldn't control my fire but the difference between us is I wasn't afraid to  get burnt "

While Zevlin and val worked on meditating Corvan and Genevieve work tirelessly on defense their strength ,and a few surprise attacks Gen was now envying her brother .

Just when they sat back to take a breather ,drums sounded and army after army trooped in from the Alardian army to that of  dongenvia.

"why are they here?" Corvan ask and a huge grin appeared on her face .

"the demonstration tomorrow " she said walking forward.

"set camp and prepare for tomorrow "she addressed them and their leaders  nodded in respect.

"my generals " she called to her comrades " it's been  a long day retire to your  rooms tomorrow we have a lot ahead of us".

Hope you  enjoy  this  cappy!

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