Cousins Talk

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Corvan was in his chamber reading when he heard the door creak open ,the turned irked ,ready too scold the person who didn't have the courtesy of knocking plus disrupting his reading,he turned to see Joan with a bored expression on her face strutting in like she owned the place closing the door behind her she made her way towards him .

"You're supposed to be resting" corvan said doing nothing too mask the irritation in his voice, Joan never took her health seriously .

"I know I know,just wanted too talk too you" Joan said tiredly showing no sign she had noticed the irritation in his voice,she just leaned against the window frame looking at him with no emotion on her face ,nothing betraying the reason in which she came ,he decided too focus on the topic at hand.

"What would mom and Emmillyse say if I told them you where slacking of again?" Corvan said raising a questioning brow at his cousin , was that a look of shock and fear that grazed Joan's bored features ?, recently he learned Joan had spent some time with his little sister and the girl was quite fond of her so when she heard their mom complain of how Joan's health was bad she went on a rampage using every opportunity to stuff Joan with food and vegetable, and trust his mom using his sweet innocent sister too send food upon food to Joan, gavin said they gave her enough nutrients too last for a year, corvan laughed as Joan gave a small pout , they had a silent agreement that their was no fronts with each other he had come too realize a long time ago the bored look wasn't a front for Joan it was part of her just like brindon only she knew when too show emotion(if she wanted to) .

"Congratulations on your engagements" Joan said it was now corvan's turn to be shocked"from what I have heard you and val make a wonderful couple and mom wouldn't stop talking about her "she said giving corvan a pointed look 'she doesn't approve' Corvan said silently too himself, he kept silent giving her room too go on.

" are you serious about this?"

" umm....."

"Did you think this through?"

"No" he said avoiding too give any complains he knew Joan would not appreciate.

"Did you think how you'd get out of this?"

"No" I still don't know, he reason too himself do you even plan on getting out? , of course imagine getting married to that stupid witch he shook his head

" did you consider her feeling? "

"I...ah..I "

"Do you love her?" There was silence for a while as corvan tried processing it all

"I don't know " was his final answer. Joan smiled before turning to look out the window

"I mean she's annoying ,her mouth runs faster than her brain ,even though sometimes she's sensible, she has no respect for some one clearly higher than her, it's almost like she doesn't care, maybe that's the reason I feel comfortable around her" corvan said after a while and was taken aback when Joan threw her head back and started laughing she hasn't done that in a long time he smiled a little at himself .

" it doesn't go away "


"Feelings, no matter how far you run and how you deny it and try too fight it,if its real it's always there ,look at me , after so many years am back here" she said

Celeste Academy one shot Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat