new arrivals 2

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It took almost a week before the island stopped rising, there had been demons sightings but they never got close to the island, king bertarm had decided to put a barrier around the area to further secure it and they sent  kinghts to investigate the island it turned out there were tunnels in the island but it was all twisted and spiraling that it made it hard to figure anything out really, keelan and his father spent their time probbing the place and they think they are getting somewhere, they were careful to not venture too deep into the tunnels since they couldn't see past it ,they were going to wait for the others to come before full investigation began, now they were only looking for clues.

Corvan impatiently waited for word concerning the island, he knew it had stopped rising and investigations on the mass of Earth had already started, but it was like everyone was trying to keep him out of it, his father was sending him to pointless meetings to represent him, sending him to solve disputes here and there to do commissions to make sure everything was going ok in their continent with frequent routine check-ups around the boarder and to always be on standby if anything were to go wrong  , corvan's self control was wearing thin and if he had to go settle another pointless dispute he would probably end up burning the whole village to a crips, he had to be there he had to help find her he wanted to be there when she returned to them he needed  to know she was safe and confirm it with his eyes he was just about to go see his father and tell him enough was enough and he was going and nothing would stop him but he stopped in his tracks when the man came to him instead spotting a deeper frown than usual causing corvan's frown to deepen further.

"Father, why are you here?" He questioned

" Demons are attacking the villages in the borders ,they are killing people" him father said" I've got news that it's also happening in other continents they seem to want a distraction to get us away from that island , the king has said everyone should stand and fight in there respective continents he and a selected few will see to it that they complete the investigation  and bring that girl home" he told him.

" Valeriana" he whispered her name and his father gave him a nod and with a hand on his shoulder he told him," prepare to leave" he said and corvan gave him a nod of agreement, he wanted to be there when she came back but his continent needed him more than she did.

hopping on one of his horses he made his way towards the village under attack.

King bertarm , the gate keeper, Lord Aeron and Lord leiland along with keelan made their way towards the portals , the young king had a slight grimace on his face as he stared at to two lords working side by side huge smiles on their faces, he didn't think they where the best option to welcome strangers to valemia 'they'ed probably scare them off' but he knew even though the others weren't occupied in fending off demons from there continents , he would  want these two help in figuring out the tunnels even though they were a bit strange and eccentric the wheels are always turning in their heads and their words are never wrong no matter how crazy they may seem besides he thought it was a good chance to  see his uncle in action.

They made it through the portal a group of knights already waiting for them .

" Oh my!, curious little things aren't they?" Lord leiland said as he looked over at the demons battling with the knights Lord Aeron chuckled and they all got into the boat. While the others where watchful as a demon could ambush them at any time the two lords chattered like nothing was going on around them the gate keeper joining in, it turns out they were all good friends with the gate keeper being the most reserved out of the three.

" You know nephew we where thinking to throw a festival to make our knew friends feel at home when they arrive" Lord leiland said and Lord Aeron hummed in agreement

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