six againt hundreds (3)

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After the fight with Denovegasia the rest retired back to their sits puppet looking like he was about to pass out. Charles watched with a bit of jealousy as Joan squatted next to the man a look of concern on her face and she didn't border to hid it.

"i told you not too push yourself too much puppet " Joan scolded lightly with a sigh .

"hey i couldn't just let him get away with what he said,i at least had to give him a scare " the mam complained before laughing he gently used his hand to ruffle her hair "Am OK Beasty " he reassured his tone living no room for further argument , he would have loved to continue this little moment with the general but he felt like thousands of horses where prancing on his head and he was closed to passing out he sighed he wouldn't be able to help out in the next battles ,and larkovia was next his eyes wondered over to Charles who was glancing over at there direction a small frown on his face the masked man couldn't help but smirk at this .

"I'll take care of this one puppet" she said walking up to the edge of the balcony as her cape fluttered behind her, she gazed at the larkovian army giving the general a piercing stare that seemed to say 'am coming for you' they could see the general visibly stiffen .

Sakai and janko gave each other meaningful stares before the woman brushed pass the later smiling and swaying her hips , janko chuckled to himself before following behind her , sia watched them with a huff why his brother parted him on his back.

They both swiftly passed on either side of Joan jumping to the ground and immediately they landed janko sent a huge termor on the ground and sakai sent a surge of electricity trough the ground further aided by the tremor.

The electricity disoriented the larkovian army affecting those who had coated themselves in water ,some almost passing out but that wasn't the point janko and sakia only wished to play with them showing them a little of what they where capable of.

Angered by their little trick the army sent a bolt of water directed towards the two but before it could reach them a blot of fire came successfully evaporating it as Joan landed just a few feet behind them with a silent thud , sai quickly sent a gust of wind to dispense the fog that had formed before going back to his sit the army watched in shock as Joan walked towards them slowly .

"lets not get agitated now" she said a mocking smile stretched on her lips emanating what you could call a dark energy "you still have a decision to make " she told them

"and what decision is that?" the general asked and Joan's smile widened now filled with arrogance and something sinister ,suddenly engulfing herself in flames " surrender or fall " she said before adding " first move is all yours "

Over the next few hours they spent battling the larkovian army Sakai didn't have much problem as her electricity could work well with water, janko kept sending tremors to disorient the army, looking like it was not going anywhere they decided to change formation, Joan made her way to a far distance with Janko Sakai not too far in front of them, soon flaming boulders came raining down on the larkovian army as they brought water to protect them bolts of lightning shot out and electrocuted them and just like that the imperial knights won.

Charles watched Joan intently through the fight, Joan who used to fight calmly a little reserved not showing to much power now fought recklessly with not a care in the world the look in her eyes told him she liked what she was seeing the fear of her power she was in love with the 'chaos' ,Charles looked over at Rowe remembering the way he an Joan fought against each other the ruthlessness they had shown, it was no secret that underneath that charming facade the lord hide a very ruthless and dangerous man and to think Joan was so much more worse and ten times a better actor but now here she was loosing herself to the chaos of what she was, she needed to find herself but no one knew how to help her.

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