An Unraveled Secret

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"I am" she said "I heard something and I came to confirm if myself" she simply Stated.

They all looked at her expecting further explanations but Joan just stared blankly at them. Now this was the real Joan corvan thought, always loved keeping people in suspense and with that blank expression making her difficult to read.

"care to explain further?"corvan said knowing someone had to ask.

" No" Joan said "it's not important"

"How is it not important "Charles said starting to get slightly annoyed with her silence.

She looked at him for a while and then smiled" but why should I waste my time telling you what we both already know dear Charles "Joan paused" when what we should be talking about is what I know and you don't "Joan said her smile fading back into that blank expression.

" so what do you want to tell us?"Rowe asked knowing it was pointless trying to get information from Joan she was clearly not willing to give.

" let's start from when the demons attacked, shall we" Joan said looking at them making sure she got there attention, they all nodded " we were coming back from the village when we spotted them waiting for us they didn't look many we thought we could handle them but when we got closer, boy! where we wrong " Joan said shaking her head slightly, despair sipping into her voice" the fight between we and the demons went on for about a month, anytime we defeated them others were waiting for us in another spot. many people died, we where lucky enough it was in a deserted area so not many knew of it,and there where no villages close by to be affected. The wounded where carried away and new recruits came, the demons also where bringing reinforcements, I tried to get out of there but they wouldn't let me, my medication had finished, my health was detoriating fast, the constant fighting didn't help, I was getting close to the point where I would not be able to even lift my hands "Joan told them

"what was so important that they will risk so many of their men?" Charles asked "No doubt the Knights would have killed a lot of them" he finished.

"correction Charles dear , not what, who " Joan said pointing a finger at him" I really don't know what happened demons were heading towards me so I rushed into the forest trying to get away and accidentally fell, the next thing I know I was falling into a Cave, the demons came after me, then I was able to escape I found a village on my way and was brought home."she finished

"we know that "corvan said also getting annoyed by her, she clearly did not want to go into details but she was going to talk even if they had to stay here all day " what we want to know is what or who they wanted, and how in the name of the gods did you escape?! "corvan asked raising his voice a little at the end and it didn't help Joan wore her bored unaffected mask as if oblivious to their irritation.

" who could this person be? "Tamara said speaking for the first in since they came into Charles room,

" me "Joan said it as if it were not a serious thing. This was what they also thought but they wanted to know why. Charles knew Joan was masking her feelings, trying to seem brave and strong as she was meant to be, but they were her friends, what was she saving herself from? , What good are friends if you can't be who you are around them?. He turned to corvan and he nodded probably thinking the same thing.

" why? "Charles asked as he furrowed his brows, he couldn't think of a reason for them wanting her that bad, besides her skills and knowledge what could they possibly want.

" my power "she stated simply

" your fire? "he asked, he knew Joan's ability to control fire since she was little was amazing but she shook her head" then what?! " he asked getting frustrated.

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