The End

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Everyone stood in position prepared to fight with there life on the line for a person they believed in .

" May the gods come to our aid" janko prayed quitely and Charles laughed

" If they wanted to help us it wouldn't get to this point , this is fate" Charles spoke " and wether we win or lose depends on us, and am not about to put my hope on anyone I'll do my part with all I've g-got" he spoke voice cracking in the end as he watched her Haggard state.

Lifting his hands he used every bit of energy he had left to summon a huge wave of water that surprised every one turning he nodded at corvan as he wrapped it round a screaming joanna . Corvan began heating the water slowly turning it to steam as Tamara formed some ice shards adding it to the fog. sia and sia together with elfre worked together to form a tornado round the demon lord the steam suffocating and the ice shards tearing at his skin, this seemed to rouse the demon lord from his battle with joan as he let out a high pitched scream sending a wave of energy towards them janko and keelan created a huge wall to protect them as val was still in fussing her energy into ouranos for one perfect shot.

Before the demon lord could release the next attack sakai and raziel sent down lighting from the sky towards him the moisture from the steam drawing it close like a beacon the demon lord corverd himself with a sheiled but it was all a distraction as val harnessed the wind siegfro formed air wings behind her lifting her up in the air and as the unslot of thunder died down and the steam dipersed ice melting a huge bolt of light shot out of ouranos pushing him to the ground valeriana bolted towards him in full speed unaware of the halo that had suddenly appeared around her coming from ouranos she landed on the spot he fell lifting her sword as he came at her with Joanna's form blood dripping from the many cuts littering her skin some parts charred from burns yet looking oddly beautiful and she saw her saw when they first met how she had trained her how she had given her0self to her people and anger filled her this person deserved to be saved to be brought back but the manner would be too cruel but Charles was right she would have wanted it.

Val was surprised as she met the demon Kings blow with strength she didn't realized she had lifting her leg she kicked him with all her strength sending him into the air she followed not slowing down and with an up swipe filling ouranos will pure energy she cut the side of his chest the pure energy burning the skin the soul crystal seemed to react as if being threatened as more demonic energy seemed to rush towards them but val didn't let up she had to do her part she countinued attacking not letting up flying with everything she has she kicked him back towards the ground where janko and keelan encased him with earth but they couldn't hold him for long at most slowing him down for 6 second but it's was enough for Charles who was waiting to use his water to rip the exposed crystal out throwing it into the air

"Nooooooo!" The demon lord screamed as val disintegrated it with pure energy .

Everyone quieted as they watched joan for any reaction as They let her down Charles rushed to hold her in his arms as he shook her " Joanna!, Joanna!" He called out and she was unresponsive for a while before breaking out in a coughing fit
" The top" she forced out with much effort as they put pressure on the gaping hole in her chest trying to stop her from bleeding out " take me to the top" she asked and Charles broke his shoulders shaking uncontrollably as he tried to compose himself picking her up he called his familar taking her to the peak val and the rest following close behind .

Charles held her in his arms as he knelt in front of the hole in the ground where he could see the pure energy turning and tossing she raised her head a weak hand reaching towards his face she traced from his eye to this chin her touch soft like a feather
" Dearest" she whispered before turning to val" put it in"

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