Awkward Breakfast

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Val work up early in the morning to prepare breakfast. After all that happened last night she wasn't sure Charles will be able too cook for them, but as she descended the stairs the sweet aroma of food hit her nostrils, she came down to see Charles already preparing breakfast.

"Good morning val"he greeted "Good morning" she replied not really knowing what else to say she just started helping him with the dishes, soon they were done, and taking the things out to the dining, keelan was already there along with corvan, Rowe, brindon and elfre, they all exchange there greetings soon everyone was present and they began eating,they was an awkward air around the room. Everybody was quite only concentrating on the meal before them, the only noise coming from the room was the clanging of their spoons on there plates and the occasional sound when someone drop back there glass of water, and then the sound coming from keelan as he stuffed food after food into his mouth, which frankly was irritating aneeka but she chose not to comment. Soon they were done eating and Charles and Val cleared the table, Charles informed them he had things to take care of and as soon as he went through the doors they started spitting questions to corvan, Tamara, and Rowe.

"so whose's this Joan girl? " Genevieve asked" how dose she look like? "elfre added" did I hear you say something about corvan and her being cousin's? "aneeka asked" yeah I heard that too " valeriana added." so she was here in the Academy with you guys,? " zevlin inquired" woah woah woah!!!, one question at a time "Tamara said" will tell you what we know" Rowe added, corvan just sat there an annoyed expression on his face. Then Rowe looked at corvan to start first, corvan sighed and began.

"Joan is my cousin, her name is actually Joanna but she liked Joan better "corvan said" she's the half sister of Gavin "corvan said looking at Val" who? "keelan asked" corvan's cousin, I met him when I went to see the king " Val told them" her mother I think is from Aetheria" corvan said "yes a cousin of my father that's how I met her, in the palace" Rowe explained "yes just like her brother Joan likes to travel and know places, she also make friends with the right people incase she may need there help in future, hence her Visits to all the parts of valemia and her vast knowledge and information" corvan explained "she also has a family connection to someone in Larkovia , and that's how she met Charles and Tamara, mom and dad will usually inform the royalties of a place of her coming before she goes so she stays in there home and is looked after and taken where she wants to go."corvan finished "how is she? " Val asked and this time Tamara answered "with Joan there's not really a way to explain, she's a lot of characters, for one she's a little like corvan, proud and kind of arrogant but unlike corvan she has learnt how to keep it in check ,she also has a temper, and instead of corvan permanent frown, she has a bored uncaring and somewhat cold stare , but around friends she tends to lighten up a little, also, just as Rowe has his charming facade, she tends to come off more friendly , nice and polite when she wants to be, sometimes I swear she's bipolar, she's smart and a little like Lord aroen, when it comes to scheming. she has purple eyes that always looks like they drowning in the black of her eyes when she has her bored look on, then when she's excited or admiring something they they come out a little from there hiding sport it's fascinating, when you see her you'll understand. And she has plantanuim blonde . "Tamara said" she used to be more confined and tended to stay away from people " corvan told them" her mom died when she was six, shortly after her father brought her to arlandia he died, only Joan was with him and she refuses to talk of that day, but based on his wounds they where attacked by a demon, ever since then she was more confined, my sister Adelline was the only one that could break through her wall a little, before she met charles, but she died too, Joan was affected , but what really broke her was when a boy called tod who she liked got killed bye demons, Joan completely blocked herself, always wearing that bored unreadable masks, she started drawing away from people scared if she gets too close to them, they leave and she'll be hurt"corvan paused allowing everything to sink into there head, he didn't really like to talk about this but they needed to understand "we tried everything, but it took only Charles to bring her back since then they've been very close, she even went to the Academy because of him, but then one day she came back, we had received news she was coming, so we waited at the portals when she stepped trough she looked broken, she had tears falling from her eyes, I had never seen her cry, "corvan stated" we didn't asks questions, Tam informed us on everything, and we choosed not to talk about it, soon she joined the Knights and immersed herself into her work we never saw much of her again, only when she visited, and she wouldn't stay long, we knew she was trying to use her work to occupy her from thinking about things , but it wasn't working so she worked more and train more she kept pushing herself, the only good thing was that she was taking her medication so it didn't affect her much ,we knew it wasn't healthy, but thought it was best she figured it out herself. "corvan finished with a sigh, everybody was starting to feel sorry for this Joan girl she lost the people she cared about, she was just trying to protect herself, yes it may sound selfish but if you've been through something like that, you'll do everything just so you don't feel it again, but sometimes it's not that simple. "wow" was the only thing that was said, then they went back to what ever they where doing hours later when they where having lunch Charles work in with headmaster kylon "headmaster kylon!, what are you doing Here?" Tamara asked "well I know you all have gotten the letter" they all nodded "that's what I came too talk about" the headmaster replied, "take a sit have tea with us" Rowe offered, the headmaster sat down as Val drop a cup of tea with biscuits in front of him, he gave his thanks and waited for her to sit down before speaking "months ago Joan contacted me that she would love to return to the Academy " he paused and looked around to make sure they where listen "and?" they urged him to go on "I agreed , as skilled as she is she would be a good addition to the school to help train the students,in fighting and power control" he said "so I quickly wrote back if she would like to take the seventh, sixth and first year classes knowing Joan won't come back because she wants to learn" he finished, Charles didn't really like it he was in his sixth year "why not eight year classes?" he asked "I thought it would be good the students to be well thought in there first year to get through there second, third to fifth and to be well trained at there sixth and seventh year, to see how they Improve in their eight year" Charles only nodded knowing the headmaster had a point "anyway she agreed and she asked about her accommodation and I thought it would be best of she stayed with you guys since she may not be comfortable in the other places. Is that ok with you guys? " headmaster kylon asked now looking at Charles he knew little of there problems together , the rest of the twelve where also silenty waiting for him to talk.

"yes off course, we do have a guest room she can used "Charles said and the rest gave there agreement Tamara looked very excited" so when is she coming "Tamara asked barely containing her excitement" from what she told me " headmaster kylon thought" you should be expecting her this week "he said and they all nodded" so it is settled then, I will take my leave" he said standing up and valeriana escorted him to the door. The twelve where done eating sitting in their sitting area the twins where talking about about how excited they are to be in her class, elfre was saying how she would have liked it if she was in her class, Val also thought how it would be like in her class so she asked the question on everybody's mind "how is she like,? I mean her skill and you know" she asked.

"you don't need to worry val"this time it was Charles who answered to everyone's surprise "she is a very good teacher" he went on " she's very skilled, and she is also surprisingly calm an gentle when teaching , she let's you learn at your own pace. She too learned under lady seraphina, and got her teaching skill form her, I think " Charles commented "wow, how old is she? " Val asked "she's your age" he replied to say everyone was surprised was not an understatement, well except for the guys who have already met her, even brindon eyes widened a bit "what!" elfre and keelan exclaimed "this is shocking" keelan said " shocking" brindon echoed "I thought she would be young but I was expecting her to be around Charles age" elfre stated "she must be really skilled to get up so fast" the twins said Clearly surprised "training is the only thing she does, apart from traveling, yet she still trains where ever she goes" corvan stated, he was very proud of his cousin, she was like a sister to him. "well am sure Tamara must have told you all you need to know about her, just know she's nice, but just don't get her too angry she has a bit of a temper" Charles said "hey!, corvan and Rowe too!" Tamara said defending herself, while everyone one laughed. Charles left the room and everyone went to what they where doing "what day do you think she'll come?" Gen asked, they all shrugged there shoulders "don't know, but am sure she'll be coming in the morning, she always arrives in time for breakfast" Corvan said Tamara just plopped herself on the chair and said "I'll wait to see a sign form Charles" they were all confused at her words but choose not to comment, soon it was night Time and they went to bed.

Thanks for reading please comment an tell me your thoughts on the chapter and previous chapters, thank you, catch ya later ;-)

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