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Tamara clears her throat and starts reading.

" To the celestial circle. Yes dear Charles I know it's been a while and now I decide to write a letter. But in my defense I don't like writing letters . Well I hope you've been good, and your not giving the guys a lot of headache, Lord of orderliness, keep this here!, stop bickering and acting like children!,you must behave properly on the table!, refrain from any unruly behavior in public!, and a lot more of your classics. "the guy's laughed a little at this, Charles was all about orderliness and stuff. All Charles could think of was, 'I hope you've been good' , was she expecting him to be moping about her all this year's, maybe the memories still hurt sometimes but he has gotten over it. "Tam! I have missed you so much!, atleast with you I would have someone ready to go on crazy adventures with me, now it's just things I have to do, and reports, and people bordering me about my health, there's no one to have adventures with." at the mention of health Charles couldn't help but think if she was improving or getting worst, but knowing her he hated to think how it would be, but she promised to take care of herself. Why was he worried any way it was her life. "I hope you are doing a good job annoying Charles dearest while am not there but try not to drive him too insane, OK" the guys laughed at that, she didn't have to worry Tam was doing a great job."Lord Rowe, I hope your as charming as ever, and i hope you're helping keep things in order over there . I trust your doing a great job. Corvan!cousin! I know there's lots to talk about and you've already heard from uncle, but I must congratulate you on your joining the ranks and acquiring the position of first ranker am proud of you and miss, you even with your arrogance and all". Corvan smile a little at her comment he loved his cousin she was like him only smarter and cunning, but when it came to there arrogance and all, his mother said she did not know who overshadows who. As they will argue about it sometimes and sometimes say it as a joke. "Raziel Aslan although the time in which we met was short I hope your are well and remain as fashionable as always"raziel smiled at the complement. Even though he joined the ranks during the time when she was leaving, the time was enough to notice the problem between she and Charles. They where equally hurt by it all, but Charles has gotten better since then. "valeriana Kerrigan newest member and fifth ranker of the twelve. I have heard a lot about you and I hope of having the chance of meeting you, I wish you good luck in all your endeavors." Val couldn't help but wonder what she meant, was Val that popular and what did she mean by endeavors, she couldn't help but feel she had a deeper meaning. Sensing her thoughts Rowe answered "she has a way of getting information when she wants it but don't worry she's a good person, a little like Lord aeron but less the headache" he said "or so she let's it seem" Corvan interjected. This girl was getting interesting. "elfre Baudoin seventh ranked of the twelve I hope you are well, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Zevlin and Genevieve Sabian, the Sabian twins, I am looking forward too meeting you, your father was a great man and I am doing my best to be as good as a general he was, and I hope one day I will get the chance to fight amongst you both . I wish you well "the twins where shocked that someone actually wanted to fight along side them. Because of there father. " Aneeka Rochefort tenth ranked, I think we've met before in one of my visits to Aetheria, I hope your fine and full of life as ever, looking forward to seeing you again. Lord keelan, I hope you're well. It will be a pleasure to meet you. Brindon jintaci and twelveth ranker of the twelve it will be a pleasure to meet you and I also hope to see your paintings as a lover of art my self. I didn't just write this for formalities I just want to inform you guys of my return to the Academy. I have already talked to the headmaster who said he will talk to you guys after the arrival of the letter, we have concluded for some reasons I will be staying in your quarters. I hope you guys will have me. Thank you. "

Your sincerely
The general of the Arlandian Army
Lady Joan.

" Well atleast we still know she forgets to put fearwells at the ending of letters... Joan will never say that she's a general in a letter to friends, and plus it's a different handwriting "Tamara said while shaking her head the rest laughed while others where comprehending what they just heard. The twins to say where in shock, a general wishes to fight with them, wow! . Before further questions could be asked Charles who was still looking at the letter in his hand said "read mine" he was scared what he would see he didn't know if he would be able to read it to the end if he read it himself. Seeing Tamara didn't respond he added "please" he gave the letter to Tamara "are you sure about it" Tamara asked concern in her voice. Charles only nodded he didn't know why he wanted her to read it in front of everyone, maybe it's because he was too shocked to stand or the fact that he wanted them to understand "here goes" Tamara said as she opened the letter. She looked over at Rowe and corvan, they nodded, then she looked at Charles again who was staring blankly at the food in front of him, left untouched. She sighed as she processed to read.

"Charles dearest I know this letter has been long overdue. But after the way things ended It didn't feel right to be writing a letter . Am going to try not to beat around the Bush and just write all I want to say. You know how they say you never know that value of something or rather someone in your life until you lose them. Guess I found out the hard way. I used to be scared, scared to show love too care just so the people don't leave so they don't some how disappear just like mother , father , Adelline and Tod. I thought I was doing them a favour rather I was protecting myself . I saw their worry their pain but I chose to ignore it, I kept lying to myself it was for them but rather it was for me. And I never realized this until I left , I wish I had listened I wish I had done things differently but I can't change it, we can't change the past. You see I thought it was the answer, I leave I don't see you again everything will be fine. What I didn't realize was that in running away I wasn't only hurting you, I was hurting myself, I watched as days turned to weeks and weeks to months still waiting for that peace and comfort I left to find. It never came, rather I felt more pain, guilt, regret. Guess I didn't see how much I needed you, how much I missed you, scolding me, our little charts, practice and other little things. I knew the answers but it took me a while to realize, it's not what happens at the end that matters it's what happened on the way , did you give it your best?, did you fight?, at that moment did it seem worth it?, was it worth the pain?, This are the questions you should be asking , cause if your too busy thinking of what tomorrow may bring you forget to Enjoy the moment. Your too busy trying to fight and prevent the troubles not seen, the things yet to come, and you lose sight of what's before you and you don't see the real enemy. Yourself. So Charles am not writing this letter in hopes that everything will go back to how it was before, am just telling you I realize it Now, I was wrong, I won't run anymore. Do you remember the last words I said to you?. I really meant them. And now will meet again and what happens from there depends on us. I won't run, am tired of feeling scared and sorry for my self. Never again.

Your Joan dearest.

Charles sat there in shock, tears in his eyes. This was not what he expected but it was what he wanted, right?. For her to realize her mistakes come out of her shell. He remembered her last words

*flash back *
"Lord Charles! "somebody yelled his name from across the hall, he turned to see one of joan's aid running towards him " what's the matter "he asked as she stopped in front of him. "jj-joan" she managed to choke out between breaths " what happened to her?"Charles said starting to worry" I just saw her at the headmaster's office few minutes ago,she was making sure he knew she was leaving in a few minutes " she told him and Charles ran without even saying thanks, he had to stop her.

" Joan! Joan dearest! "he screamed at the top of his voice the moment he entered the twelve's quarters, he looked around everyone was looking at him, pity written on their faces, he hated it, but if she's not here then she's" where is she " he said, almost as a whisper" she's gone to the portals " Tamara said" it's been a while since sh-"she was cutoff by the slamming of the door, Charles was gone,he couldn't let her leave like that. He ran like a man being chased by demons through the halls and as he neared the portals he started to shout her name desperately like his whole life depend on her answering. He walked further and there she was about to enter the portals "Joan" he said in a low whisper. As she turned he fell to the ground on his kneel "don't go, please" he said breathlessly in between sobs. She shook her head frantically "I have too she said" he knew she had made up her mind, he new she felt it was the right thing to do. But if only she knew how wrong she was "Joan plea-" he was cut off.

"Charles "the way she said it was as if she was pleading for him to let go, he looked up too see she had started shedding tears of her own. " we are too wise to be foolish to not know what we feel, only smart that we ignore it " she paused as Charles dropped his head " goodbye my dearest Charles till we meet again." with that she disappear into the portal leaving a sobbing Charles on his knees " I love you "he whispered. Would it have changed anything if he had said it?.

*flash back over *

Everybody was silent watching Charles with an all too familiar expression, sympathy. Comporting himself he stood up took the letter from Tamara and walk to the balcony.

Let's stop hear and continue later. Hope you guys like it.

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