someone i know

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After they had collected the blessing of the earth Joan and the rest of the imperial knights left Denovegasia towards Aerthria but Joan had informed them they would make a stop before entering the kingdom of the spirits .

"Here" Joan told them and they stopped in the middle of a bush in the mist of nowhere .

"if you don't mind me asking what are we doing here?" janko asked eyeing his surroundings with suspicion

" you all will wait here why i go to visit someone " she told them .

"who the hell lives out here?!" sai asked voicing his confusion gesturing with his hands to his surroundings .

"someone i know " Joan said vaguely, it was true she knew someone who lived her but the fact was that person did not live here alone and the people she was going to see was one that someone of her status should have no business dealing with at all . " the journey will take over a day to go their and back and i will go on foot ,hopefully i would be back before night fall tomorrow " she said walking away not giving the a chance to ask more questions .

The rest of the imperial knights watched speechless as Joan walked away from them.

"hopefully?" Sakai mused a little concerned

"she would not enter a situation she thinks she cannot handle without back up" janko comforted the woman wondering what it really was joan was looking for.

"yeah, and not to mention she's really strong and probably won't need our help if she comes across any danger " sia added plopping on the ground next to his brother who had long since made a bed of leaves and was now taking a nap not the least bit concerned or curious about what was happening ,he had long since given up on knowing what was going on in that girls head, her secrets where hers to keep and she had earned his trust she would not do anything to put them in danger.

Joan trekked through the forest ,her choice for going on foot more for herself than in regards to the people whose door she was going to knock on, she was hoping during this alone time she could go through the thousands of things going through her mind, she scoffed as she looked ahead never in her life did Joan every think she would have to beg to retain her sanity have to beg someone to help protect her people from the danger that is her, she took in a sharp breath starting to feel agitated at the thought of begging someone for help because she was unable to handle things herself , the wyldens where never one to show weakness and always had problems asking for help she smiled at the thought but Joan had long since learnt by being a general and next in line to be court leader the act of making decisions that were necessary, and this was necessary, and if she had to beg for it she was willing to do it, though she was hoping it would not have to come to that but either way she was asking for help , one person couldn't not possibly do a lot of things by theirself no matter how talented they where they needed help from something or someone.

With all that was going through her head Joan didn't notice she had arrived at her destination and they where a lot of weapons pointed in her direction .

"who are you and what business do you have here" a voice boomed getting her attention and it was then Joan really took in her surroundings ,she let out a sigh not even flinching at the number of weapons pointing in her direction,she look at the doors in front of her this was the covet corps the best of assassins in all the land and unreachable by the king ,and yet she knew exactly where it was, oh! if people found out she thought.

"lets not get agitated , i did not come here for trouble " joan stated calmly eyeing the man in front of her with disinterest he was not the one she came for.

"i asked who are you and what business do you have here?" he asked again pointing his sword closer to her neck and Joan didn't even move an inch, she didn't even spare a glance to the weapon now grazing her neck still watching him with disinterest, he did not like her at all and the energy coming from her.

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