The Arrival

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"when is she going to come?" elfre said in expiration

"I know!, we've been waiting for three days, today's Wednesday!" aneeka replied plopping on a chair next to Rowe

"I know right, I have been spending more time trying to look presentable when she arrives "raziel said with a sigh" it's no very easy too make this happen " he said gesturing to all of himself, and everybody rolled there eyes.

"that's want you call looking presentable ?"elfre said mockingly "guess you do look ridiculous no matter how hard you try" she said turning away from him, as raziel gave her a look of shock" I'll have you know this outfi-" before raziel could rant any further elfre cut in"please spear me the headache and shut up already!" and they continued to bicker, just then the twins came in view.

"she'll like me better than you for sure!" Genevieve argued

"of course she'll like me more I got more skills" zevlin argued too.

" Tamara who do you think Joan would like better from the both of us?" the twins asked in unison "um, I don't know, she'll like both of you equally?" Tamara said, more like questioned, smart enough not to pick sides, the twins continued to bicker about which of them was more likable than the other, what brought the argument was unknown but it was the twins they could argue about anything Val thought , keelan just sat there with a sandwich in his hand, brindon was painting, Rowe and aneeka where talking Charles just came out for the kitchen he had just finished watching the dishes , corvan had not come down yet, after breakfast he returned to his room, speaking of the devil!, here he comes "Charles, Rowe, we need to talk" corvan stated before moving to the dining area. The two looked at each other in confusion before standing up to follow , the others looked at there direction wondering what could be the problem, but soon went back to what they were doing.

"what do you want to talk about Lord corvan? "Charles asked" it's about Joan " corvan replied"what about her?" Rowe asked they were now interested "I think there are more to her reasons for coming back to the Academy" corvan stated, Charles furrowed his brow what could he mean " how so?" Rowe inquired" in my recent visit to home, my father told me he was worried about Joan"corvan paused sighing "he said she and some group of people where sent to check demon activities in a town and it was successful, when coming back they where ambushed by demons causing Joan and her team to take shelter in a cave , he said they where many, they fought and killed most of them but few survived thinking they where good to go more showed up, so they where forced to stay back, Joan divided the team in three groups to divide the demons making it easy to fight them " he paused and they nodded that was a good decision" but, when the other demons noticed Joan was not in any of the other groups they left it and went to the other though they were able to kill some, some escaped to find her group."he paused again letting them take it in" not only did they want Joan, they where making no move to harm her, some of the other Knights observed, they would only get close to talk to her, but they couldn't hear what they were saying before Joan would kill it, and that's how it continued for over a month, groups went and came back until only Joan was left,they had somehow separated her from her team in the mist of battle, her medication had finished long before, they couldn't even find her, she-"corvan was cutoff " was weak left alone no team members?" Charles asked in horror, the others where starting to worry the look corvan and the others where sporting didn't say everything was alright "how did she survive?" Rowe asked in disbelief "we don't know she just showed up a week later, she had managed to find her way to one of the villages close by, the Baron there sent a message, she was weak, wounded and in a very bad condition when they found her a medical team was sent with her required medication, they brought her back to the palace, when asked what happened she refused to talk much she only said she managed to lose them and traveled for about five days before she came to the village, my father tried to get her too talk about what happened and what they said to her but she told him to give her Time, " Charles remained in thought, did they do something to her? ," do you think, they did something to her? "Rowe asked" no except her health condition was very bad they didn't sense any demonic energy, they even quietly brought her to the king and he sensed nothing either, she told them she was fine and she had her reasons. She also said she wanted to resign the position as general, he told her to just give it to someone and think about the resignation later , I think her health has gotten really bad for her to do that, and that's why she's coming back "corvan finished" I also think she wants to talk to us first "Charles added, she knew corvan would have heard from his father and coming here ment she was willing to talk or wanted specific information , Joan is hard to figure out but to the point she had let him in he could figure out few things about her, if she really didn't want to say anything she would not stay here for long, but she accepted to teach " I think so too " corvan said and Rowe nodded" we should inform Tamara" Rowe said as he stood up and they nodded, Tam was sleeping on a couch Rowe woke her up, he took her to a conner in the room and talked to her, they watched as Tamara's face change from one of seriousness to horror, what was happening, Charles and corvan where still conversing, Tam and Rowe walked back to them and they all started talking, since they where not telling them it couldn't be Important, right?, or it was something personal or Kingdom related, and he wanted some advice. So they all went back to whatever they where doing leaving the four to themselves.

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