new arrivals

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It has been a two month since the last meeting with king bertarm and not a word of anything new in the situation and corvan was getting impatient his scouts weren't telling him anything useful either ,he was beginning to lose hope thinking they were believing in false dreams, whose to say Joan and the gate keeper where right whose to say they hadn't gotten there facts mixed up somewhere and she was actually gone and he would never see her again.

Corvan was brought out of his thoughts bye a knock on his door it was emmillyse even though she could not speak the Little girl was a great comfort to corvan she would come at times and they would just sit quietly together or she would drag him to her place of choosing and make him participate in whatever she wanted most times it was the garden and she would make him garther flowers and take to their mother to braid in her hair and then at times to the music room where she loved to hear him play they had gotten pretty close very fast and she too was mastering her instrument he knew she wanted to get his mind of valeriana but he couldn't help but think of her when he saw his sister remembering how close they where considering she was the only one who could talk to her .

" Lord corvan" there was another knock on the door

" Yes" he replied

" The king requires your presence they has been a change concerning the matter of which you last discussed"

" I'll be on my way" corvan answered curtly doing all the can to hide the hopeful tone of his voice. He turned to the girl in that room Emmillyse peerd up at him with interest a smile on her face as she gave him a nod, corvan was convinced that she knew more than anyone ever thought but he didn't have time to dwell on the matter nodding back he left the room with hurried determination he wanted to know what was going on as soon as possible, he needed to.

Passing through the portals he Saw everyone one already there waiting for him as soon as he arrived they started moving "come quickly" king bertarm said as he took hurried steps towards another portal

" What's the matter?" Corvan inquired

" I think it's best you see it for yourself"

As they stepped through the portal they where back on the beach but this time they didn't need to go row boating to see it it was their clear for all to see ,an island protruding from around the spot they first notice the current,it seemed to be rising at a slow steady pace, if the demons didn't notice anything before they were sure to now, for sure they couldn't miss a huge growing island that didn't used to be there, they where all speechless as they got into boats to take a closer inspection there where a lot of gaurds following them.

" We have to keep our guards up , no don't the demons would be curious about this as well we should expect a confrontation" the king told them and they can nodded in understanding.

"By that gods!" Charles finally exclaimed as they neared the ever growing mass of Earth " never in my life did I ever think such a thing where possible" he said looking at it with astonishment starring at it with so much intensity like it would just spurt out it's secrets.

"We will go around it to see if there's any openings to further investigate " the king suggested and the gate keeper shook his head.

" I think it would be better if we leave exploration of the island till when it is stable" he advised

" That's strange" they all turned to see keelan with a frown on his face starring at the place where his hands were firmly placed on the moving mass.

"What ?" They all questioned

" Am trying to see if I could make out partterns , you know like tunnels , cave and opening" he said

" And?" Charles inquired

" It's not letting me through it's like the Earth is repelling me from seeing past it" he said with a frown his father pushed him aside to have a try and came up with the same frown himself

" It's strange indeed never have I experienced such a thing before" the Denovegasian Lord remarked

" Well it's not every time you come in contact with Earth from a different world if it is the correct use of the term" Charles spoke as he wrote into his book.

" Not another world , it seems it was built into the folds of valemia, it exists within valemia out of sight and reach, well until now I suppose" the gate keeper said.

" Could the fact that Joan said they seemed to be no demons in the place be why keelan cannot see Into the Earth?" Charles asked

"I suppose"the gate keeper pondered on the possibility.

" Have you ever thought that maybe they couldn't see into it because they was nothing to see, no openings of whatever" elfre asked a little pelexed

" No it is different, I can feel it repelling us as if rejecting us" it was keelan father who spoke.

" So we just have to wait and see for it to fully reveil it's self to know whether it has secrets or not" raziel said with a lazy wave off his hand seemingly uninterested in the topic but with the way is eyes shined elfre knew he was anything but,all she did was shake her head and paid no heed to her fellow ranker .

They all agreed to come back later to investigate the issue further, gaurds where kept in other to prevent any curious demon from getting too close.

They all sat round a table in the kings palace the court leader was the first to speak surprisingly he hadn't said a word since there discovery.

" I suggest we all prepare for company, we don't know what these people in the place are, if they are friends or enemy all we can do is prepare to welcome them if they are our friends or fight them back if they turn to be foes but I truly hope it isn't the later" he spoke with a laid back smile
" At least we will be aware of their coming and not be cut by surprise considering the other problem we have in our hands" he added and they couldn't help but agree.

Charles thought Val was coming so it was a matter of time before they would go get Joan he thought of how she was all alone ,he wondered how much she had changed , he really did miss her and could not wait to see her again, to kiss her again, to truly know it she was okay. he looked over at corvan who was quite looking in thought he elbowed him causing him to look up "they'll be fine we both have strong women that could wether whatever anyone throws at them" he said trying to convince himself as well corvan nodded an forced a sympathetic smile for Charles.

" Sometimes I forget you lost her too" he told Charles a little ashamed that in focusing on Val he forgot about Charles and his cousin" but your right they are strong women" he said his heart beaming with pride and joy Charles smiled at the truth of the matter in deed they where.

Joan fell to the ground coughing up blood she had been going at this for days now the constant expelling of energy wasn't doing good for her already weakened body, the advice the goddess had given her was effective but very slow every mistake sent her back to where she started she had to take it slowly and slow ment using more energy. The spasms work through her body as she laid on the ground unable to move her body looking at the sky above her, she had to do this she had to win, she had to get back to Charles, she smiled to herself with a sarcastic laugh the goddess gave her a solution but left out the catch, for every mistake she made she was paying with her life Joan could feel her soul slowly ebbing away if she failed they would be nothing left of her to pass on to the other side, she would have completely faded away nothing left of her existing in any world dying alone never having the chance to say goodbye to anyone to Charles, she laughed coughing again 'consequences 'she thought to herself as she slowly lost consiousness fading int a deep sleep " I'll try again tomorrow " she promised.

Thanks for reading this and chapter hope you liked it!

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