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So thats a pic of Joan up their👆.tell me what you think.

Joan sighed for the millionth time she had been here huffing out a breath of air to blow away the strands of hair that got on her face, she didn't really know how long she had been here but she calculated not more than than two month and few days, which could be over a year or maybe just a day for the others ,her frustration was growing by the minute almost driving her to madness, she new the demonic energy wasn't something that she could just easily control but the task was proving more difficult than she anticipated weeks of trying and still she'd come up with nothing to bring her close to understanding how to control it's energy she stood up from where she sat at the little cottage she created for herself and walked into the forest that surrounded it, she had gotten tired of starring at the vast sea of violet so she created a forest too block the view, anything she imagined this place brought to life, she smiled breathing the fresh air as she plucked a fruit from a nearby tree biting into it she let out a contender hum as the sweet taste hit her tongue stimulating her taste boards with excitement for more, she went to a near by lake and stepped into the water, she let herself sink to the bottom and then she pushed up as soon as her leg touched the bottom, breaking through the surface she she gasped for air a distant memory playing in her head

Charles and Joan where at the bottom of the river swimming side by side watching the fishes swim around them but they mostly watched each other for completely different reasons they were fascinated by the other, this was around the time they first met the first time they snuck out together.

Joan broke to the top first swimming for the bank Charles trailing behind her , they sat in silence legs in the water starring at each others reflect.

"why do you love the water so much?, it's strange to see an Alardian so in tune with the water" Charles asked and she only shrugged, not knowing what to reply at the time she said the first thing that came to mind.

"it's energy is calming unlike that of fire" she told him. "why are you here?, it's strange to see someone willing too spend time with me" she asked and looked up at him, Charles smiled and the words he said made her heart beat with excitement she hadn't felt in a long time.

" your energy, it calms me " Charles spoke.

Joan thought of the truth in those words she spoke that day, she was naturally drawn to the energy of every element, the wilderness of fire, the firmness of earth, the persistence of wind, the tranquility of water and the unity in spirit.

She got out of the water and took a meditation position on the grass she thought of Charles briefly wondering how he felt and what he was doing before she quickly pushed the thought out of her head before letting the demonic energy go, she tried to decipher anything about it that could let her understand it but she couldn't, there was just too much chaos.

Sighing Joan stood up she'd had enough frustration for one day she walked to the little clearing where she had made a little training area and she began to get to work, she put all her energy into what she was doing ,swift, fluid hand movements combined with flips and complex leg movement with twists, her body moving in fast precise techniques that every blade she thew landed on its target. She continued moving with more vigor and determination throwing kicks and punches at the makeshift person in front of her as the frustration sipped in even if she tried pushing it back, she had to figure this out before its too late she had to one way or the other,she punch with all her might causing the wood in front of her to split cutting her in the process Joan dropped to the floor panting she gazed down at her bleeding hand and remember something.

"Joan?! Joan!?" she heard Charles called but couldn't find it in her too reply she was exhausted from her training she had a burn on her leg from a technique she was trying to do her fist had so many cuts and bruises, she wished he'd just leave and go home, but knowing Charles that wouldn't happen anytime soon , so putting on a blank expression that didn't show any exhaustion she sat up and causally laid on a tree .

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