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Joan stood before a familiar door In her dream state the normally shining silver door now looked corroded with rust, as Joan raised her hand to grab the handle she paused feeling it would crumble under her touch she sighed she didn't know what would be waiting on the other side of the door the Scenery always changed, but it was always a place that she knew that held memories mostly good ones.

Gripping the handle gingerly between her fingers she step in and was met with a blank room but immediately she made it to the center it changed into a bland room with grey walls and a fire place in the corner with weapons on the wall ,she new this place from Aethria where her uncle and father would train her. A shiver ran through her body as she remembered the beatings she had gotten in this very room, her eyes roamed the wall looking for a weapon of her choice before landing on the bow and arrow, Joan had always loved this weapons, it had to do with concentration, calculation and Perception to hit it's target all of which needed your undivided attention, that left room for nothing else but the thrill of the kill, it's just you and your prey and boi! dose she never miss her target.

Joan raised the bow pointing it to the target before her clearing her mind of everything which came easy with the bow in her hand, she brought her elbow of to her chin as she closed her eyes realizing a breath at the familiar feeling and as she opened her eyes a demon stood before her the very one that killed her father, the one that she had killed, a moan for the side drew her attention her father laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood Joan's hands shook her breath becoming laboured as she took a step back the demon smiled at her taunting her asking her what she was going to do.

This was a test her mind was testing her she thought, she had to be strong taking a deep breath she,Let the arrow go and the arrow went through the demons chest drawing a cry from it's mouth and as the demons body touched the ground the scenery changed again and Tobi stood before her his normal optimistic smile on his face as he looked to the sky , not a care in the world Joan stepped towards his wanting to touch him to know if he was real but suddenly Tobi's bright eye widened with shock a demons had protruding from his chest as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth his eyes now glistening with on shead tears as she stared at the moment which was passing painfully slow her name slipped from his lips was he struggled to give her a smile before the demon flung his body away like a useless rag ,anger coursed through her body now as she charged at the demon staring at her a glint in his eyes she paused as the demon spoke.

"that's right, come after me, show me how much of a beast you really are" it spat rilling her up.

"Am not a beast you are! " Joan screamed in rage.

"are you sure? " he asked and when she did not speak he took it as a sign to go on "cause from where I stand we are exactly alike, don't act like a saint child you've probably killed more life's than myself , mercilessly with no remorse you just kill not even looking at their faces and you enjoy it don't lie, you enjoy hunting your prey and not to mention the people that have died because of you, your father, Tobi, your mother " he said the last one with venom and Joan staggered back shaking her head.

"it's not true, it's not true " she whispered unable to find her voice

"isn't it? " he asked his voice taunting "why is there so much blood on your hands? "

Joan looked down at her hand and it was covered in blood a sword in her hand equally covered in blood she was now standing in a cave the bodies and blood smeared everywhere proof of the battle that had being fought but what caught her attention as she stood there was the look in her fellow knights eyes, fear and apprehension she didn't care then she had basked in it but now she thought, did they really think her a cold hearted beast, a weapon to help them win their battles?, No! She has people who care for her.

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