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I look at the most beautiful person in my eyes, and of course in the eyes of everyone present here in our wedding.

He look dashing, walking with full of grace and elegance. He's holding a bouquet of flowers that collaborates more on his beauty. God, how lucky can I be?

I saw him smile at me, teary eyed. Happiness is visible on his eyes, the tears sparkles on it. I wipe my own eyes, when I felt my tears forming.


"Take care of my Son, Mew".

"Always, Dad." I nodded at him, even though he will not say that I will gladly take care of Gulf.

"I'll wreck your neck if you hurt him" Nattarika smirk at me, she's a bully.

Gulf cling on my arm and we face the officiating judge. It was all solemn and intimate.

Then the party started. He mingle with his stripper friends. He looked really happy, and I want that happiness to stay, I'll do everything on my power to make him happy until my last breath.

Then the time for us to dance as newlyweds came.

We are just swaying on the dance floor, while our friends joined us.

"Dhie, Thank you.. Thank you for this happiness that you gave me.. I am so lucky to have you.." he laid his cheek on my shoulder, while i am holding his hips, we are like just hugging in the middle. But we didn't care, this is our night.

"No, I am more lucky to have you, you came on my very worst time. You are a heaven sent. And I love you so much." I kiss his forehead and he smiled a bit.

"I love you too, So much..."

After the party, MV NATTARINE came and we rode on it, we spent our honeymoon in the cruise ship, sailing all over the oceans, we had a lot of stop overs such us Paris and Switzerland.

We intend to live in harmony and love.

And that stays until 7 years of being together, we already had sons, Ohm who came from my cells, as per Gulf's order, we proceeded to surrogacy, at first Gulf wanted to have a uterus transplant but he failed in the physical check ups, his body is not suitable to bear a child, he is petite and slim because he always dance. Hence, we do the surrogacy, we did it 3 times because of the less sperm count that I have, maybe an effect of my dysfunction, my sperm count lessen, gladly after the third try, we succeeded and we had OHM, he is exactly like me.

Then there goes Type who came personally from Gulf's cells still via surrogacy, Ohm and Type came from the same Surrogate mother.

We are having breakfast in the garden, Gulf was feeding my father while I am feeding him, we are all living together in Villa Nattarine, the house I made for Gulf, me, my Dad and our kids.

Ohm is 6 years old, while Type is just 4months old.

Beside my father's wheelchair is the stroller of baby Type, who's busy playing a small tambourine made for babies.

Ohm is acting like a big guy eating alone for himself. He is really like me.
Every move and traits, he is my exact replica.

Marie, our Nanny and My father's personal Nurse was just beside Gulf, helping him. Gulf is very hands on on taking care of my father and our children.

I'm so lucky. I felt complete and more than happy.

"Yey... All done Dad..." Gulf wipe my father's face with a tissue and he gave him his maintenance medication.

I saw my Dad beamed on him, though he cant talk straight, he murmured thank you to Gulf.

"Daddy Thiwat and Nattarika will come to visit you at lunch, we let Marites helps you to prepare, how about it Dad?" Gulf said then he instructed Marites to bath my father and change his clothes to be ready for later.

"And you my husband... What are you smiling at?" He sit beside me and check what did Ohm eat. Gulf calling me his husband sents electric waves down to my groin.

"Baby, chew your food properly.. No one is in a hurry..." He added more omelet on Ohm's plate.

"Enough Momma.. I don't want to be fat." Ohm pouted.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, eat more kiddo." I messed his hair.

"Says the man who only drinks coffee on breakfast. Come on eat up. You keep on feeding me. I'm stuffed." Gulf stand up to scooped Type and cuddle him then he sit beside me.

"You there.. Little guy.." I cooed him and he immediately giggle.

"Come on.. Say Dada..." I said again while making faces.

Gulf and Ohm laugh at me.

"Dada.. He's just 4 months old. He still cant talk.." Ohm covers his mouth while laughing.

"Shh, baby.. Just Let your Dada.. Maybe Type will answer him." Gulf said and the two laughs again.

I get Type on his hold. And I laid him on my lap.

"They are ganging on me baby.. Grow up fast and protect Dada.. They are bullies.." I brush my nose on him and he just giggle while playing with his saliva. Ahh, babies..

"Give me Type.. I'll bath him, and you, eat up then both of you take a bath. We have guests at lunch.."

"Yes, baby."

"Yes, Momma."

Ohm and I look at each other and we both burst out in laughter.

I have everything... I couldn't ask for more.

LUNCH TIME came and Thiwat with Nattarine came along with Becca her daughter and her husband Beaumont.
We exchange pleasantries, Dad Thiwat stays beside my father and he keep on talking to him, reminiscing their high school life together.

The Kiriguns came, we invited them as our business partner, and soon to be family.

Kiriguns Son Tharn same age as Ohm is set to marry Type in the future. Gulf wasn't happy about it but he agreed.

The kids was playing around happily, as we rest on the garden after eating a delicious lunch prepared by my multi talented wife.

Nattarika breaks a news that made us all silent.

"Art Juanchainat was found dead in the prison.. He is killed by The same person who they imprisoned for killing Bam."

Gulf felt somewhat guilty. It is visible on his eyes. He sighed. I hold his hand to comfort him.

But all that was gone when Fluke, the youngest of the Kiriguns came running to them.

"Mommy.. Ohm kissed me." he is sobbing hard.

Gulf's eyes widen."Ohm?!"

I saw my son look proud and happy. He even smile.
"Can't help it Momma. She's pretty "

"Ohm, Fluke is a boy He is a He. "

"I thought he's a girl, but I don't care Momma." Conviction was heard on his voice.

"I'm sorry about that." Gulf whispered on Selene, the mother of Fluke.

While Tharn their son was just staring at Type who's in the stroller beside me.

After that chaotic lunch, the guest extended their stay, and they left at night time.

The kids are exhausted on too much playing.

I am waiting for Gulf to step out of the bathroom. As always... Our Sexy time.

For 7 years of being married, we are still as sexual as before 14 years ago.
I still have the same energy and Gulf is still hot as he is.

He indeed strip for me exclusively.. And I continued LOVING THE STRIPPER.




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