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Nattarika and I are in the living room, drinking some tea and eating bisquits, for later at night we will go to France and stay there.
Our father was already in the port, fixing things on our workers there.

I still can't believe that I belong to a wealthy family.

Nattarika was busy calling her husband to prepare for our arrival.

While I was watching random news, and hoping to see a glimpse of the crime that I was framed before.

Then, like an answered prayer,
A latest international news was aired.
And I am stunned on who I just watch.

Mew and Art together having a press conference.

"How are you coping up Attorney? We heard about what happened to your brother, our deepest condolences. And to your father, wishing him a good health."
A news anchor said to him.

I saw Mew look at the camera. "I'm doing good." like he wasnt interested on anything.

I saw Art get the attention of the news anchor and he answered the question.
"So far our families are helping each other on the problem and we are happy to announce that we are slowly solving it now."

"It's nice to hear that, news panels around the world covered the issue about The Segovias shipping line and the death of the youngest."

Mew look straight at the camera.
"Yes, but the case is closed now for the main suspect is already in jail and the discussion about our shipping lines problems are intend to be keep in private."

The news anchor awkwardly smile. But he nodded.

I gasped. So that's why I got released from prison? But how? You can't just let the killer admit that he did the crime. Killers are the people who killed without remorse, so why surrender?
And not to think about the time. I got detained exactly 27 hours if I was not mistaken. How could it be? I smell something fishy. I focused my eyes again on the TV.

I saw Art smile at the news anchor, "Sorry, but My fiancée is not in good shape this days, he's super stress because of the problems but I am here to help him."

"You're so lucky, Atty Mew to have such a supportive Fiancée, Anyway that's all for today guys... This is James reporting for GMM25 back to the station."

So that's why Mew drive me away because I can't help him. Who was I for him? Just a plain fuck buddy? A lowly poor stripper that can't be use in time of needs because I was as poor as a pauper.
I'll accept that reason, if he thought that I can't help him, or I was a burden for him because I am just an addition to his problems back then.

I didn't notice my tears was now falling on my face until Nattarika handed me the box of tissue.

What about me? What about the emotional damage that I felt? Did Mew thought about how I felt inside that prison cell, alone in the dark.. Even I didn't do anything. Let's say it is just more than 24 hours but for me it is forever. I was accused of being a killer. I still imagine how I shook in fear when they arrested me and When they dragged me and lock me up in the cell.

I was so terrified. Then Mew came back just to sent me away. For what? He throw me just like a recyclable garbage.

And what? He is engaged again with Art? Or did he even stop the engagement before we became exclusive? Did he even treasure me? My throat is aching in too much refraining to cry hard. So I excuse myself to take shower just for me to feel better.

But I ended up sitting in front of my Vanity mirror, I get the hairbrush of my Mother, its handle is adorned by golds and precious stones.

I removed the tie from my hair and it almost reach my ass.

LOVING THE STRIPPER (Published Under TDP Publishing House) Where stories live. Discover now