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Pamela and Sheryl left early because they have a date with Title and Tong. Mew said he will come soon so the two leave Gulf to wait for Mew.

He prepared his most sweetest smile when he hear the door opened, but his smile disappeared when he saw Bam.

Bam smiled at him, worries was evident on his face as he scanned his eyes on Gulf's appearance.
"Flowers for you." he put a bouquet of white roses in the bedside table.

Gulf smiled a bit. Before Bam was friendly, and he was okay with it because he is Mew's brother but now he felt uncomfortable.

"We are very sorry about what happened. Dad was really mad, and he fired the cook."

Gulf felt sorry for the cook because he knew that these days, it is so hard to find a good job.

Bam noticed Gulf became silent.
"Hey, are you blaming yourself? The cook deserves it. He is incompetent."

Gulf shook his head.
"I should've tell Mew beforehand that even a small portion of seafood seasoning can trigger my allergies, so we can be more careful, I am partly to be blame because this is my body, i should've been more cautious."

"Come on cheer up." Bam just cant take his eyes off of Gulf's face. To think that he is laying in a hospital bed but he still look really beautiful. He can understand now why Art is insecure. He has no match with this beauty.

Gulf notice Bam was just staring at him. He wave his hands near Bam's face.
"Yohhooo, Earth to Bam."

Bam blinked, and he grasp Gulf's hand and gently pressed it.
"I am relieved that you are okay."

Someone cleared his throat on the door they both look at it and they saw Mew standing there with a dark expression.

"You are relieved, now let go of his hand, who gave you the right to touch him?" Mew strode beside Gulf's bed. Glaring at Bam.

Bam raised his hand mid-air. Purposely ignoring the fuming mad brother.
"I'm leaving Nattarine.. Please be well soon."

Bam get out already but Mew's expression remains dark.

"That's it? No kiss for me?" Gulf whine,
"You just barge in here mad, without asking if I am okay."

"You look okay and you look like you are enjoying him holding your hand."

"Really Daddy? Reign your jealousy. Just in case you forget, I am in a hospital bed for allergies. Do you think I can enjoy anyone?"

Mew just give him a glance.

"What's the FUVKING wrong with you? If you are jealous, tell me! Dont ignore me or I will smash this IV pole on your head." He glared at him.

"I'm sorry.. Im just really pissed when I saw him hold your hand." Mew stand beside him and kiss him on his cheek.

Gulf snaked his hands on Mew's neck, and kiss him back. "It's okay."

"Let's go home baby, I already settled the bill."

"Yes, Dhie.. Can we go first to our dorm then I want to stay in your condo for awhile."

"Okay, baby." Mew was still pissed but be is slowly reining it.

The ride to the strippers dormitory was silent. Mew was still pissed while Gulf was planning on something.

"I'll be quick." he said before going out of the car and run inside. So far he's feeling okay. And he didn't feel anything. Just like he didn't stay overnight in a hospital.

He came back holding a medium size paperbag and an overnight bag.

"Are you feeling okay Daddy?" he asked Mew while putting his seat belt.

LOVING THE STRIPPER (Published Under TDP Publishing House) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz