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This chapter is a collaborative ideas of mine and greenpolka please check her story as well. i shared my ideas and she did the same,because I cant write anymore. I am trying my best. Really. I am afraid that I might disappoint you my readers and my anxiety keep on coming back.
My insecurities without reasons keep on bugging me. Good thing I have her to comfort me. Thank you Madam. I love you as always, my virtual best friend.

OK, lets get it on!



After knowing that Art was in there, I discreetly press the brooch of my top dress. This has a security camera and I always brings it in order to copy whoever I talked to, it is connected to the office of Agent Run, my Detective friend and my private investigator, once I pressed it on Agent Run directly records it for possible evidences. They thought this in advance as for this time will come.

"What do you want Art?" I smugly ask.

"Oh nothing much, first I would like to say congratulations, both for getting my company and my fiancée!" He shrieked.

I laugh. He is so hilarious. Gotta burst that bubble of yours voldie.

"First, thank you. I never knew that it will be that easy. Just a little talk and voilà! I'm your major stockholder now." I smugly raise my brow on him, stating a fact.

I act like I'm looking at my nails, and bored to death while continued speaking, "As for Mew, excuse me. But I think, no, I am sure that he is never been yours. Daddy is mine in the first place. So suck it up and stop imagining that MY HUSBAND loves you, you bitch."I saw his jaw tightened. He is mad, that's good. Gotta keep him talking.

"I already disposed you seven years ago. How the hell did you survive?" He said out if nowhere.

Bingo. I knew it was you. Now, let's go with Bam's case Voldie.

Then I acted like I was shocked.

"You bitch! I knew it was you behind Bam's death! It was you who killed him didn't you?!"

He laughs maniacally.
"Of course its me! Who else can it be. But it was your fault! Bam was supposed to snatch you from Mew. But along the plan, he had a change of heart! That bastard! I cant believe he also feel for a lowly stripper like you! Good thing he was gone now. For he will be a hindrance for my plans!". He laugh mockingly.

I was shaking inside. Not because of fear, but because of too much anger. How dare he! He didn't even respect his memories.

I loudly gasped. My mouth forming an "O".

"Poor Bam.. How dare you do it to him! He's a good guy!" I wipe my fake tears, pretending that I am crying.

I secretly glides my hand on the back of my jeans where my gun was. Good thing I always keep it ready to fire, anytime.
But I maintained my displeased aura to him.
"Too bad, even if you put an end on his life, Bam still helped me. Because of what you did, i am where i am right now. Karma is still a bitch, isn't it?"

I slowly walked towards where he is. i saw him take a little step back, taking caution of what i will do next.
"Now, care to tell me why are you here? and puh-lease, tell me ASAP for i don't have time to do chit-chat with you, my husband will arrive soon, you're ruining our night."

I saw him smirk then He throw the folder he is hiding behind his back and throw it on the ground. I pick it up and read it.

"That's what I want you to do, you snake, i want you to sign that divorce papers. Dont worry, P'Mew already signed it."
He smile mischievously
"You see, P'Mew already give up on your marriage. That everything he did was for a show, he didn't really love you. He just used you and your Dad to gain the Segovias throne."

A divorce paper?! I look at it carefully. I saw Mew's signature on it and I am sure as fuck thay it was forged.

I laugh hard, clutching my stomach.
"How desperate can you get? Do you think a forged signature can stop a marriage?" I didn't look up to him while my eyes was reading the fake divorce paper.

"Laugh now, cry later." I heard him cocked a gun. I look up and he is already pointing it on me.

I swiftly get my own gun and pointed it on him.
"Before you can ever pull the trigger, you're dead." my voice was coated with pure rage.
I slowly walked towards him.

"Stay where you are slut!" Mix emotions flashed on his face. He looks scared and mad at the same time. His hands holding his gun was shaking.

I fired my gun just above his head. Hitting the wall of the yacht. Art jolted and he dropped his gun.

I kicked it away, but before I can even grab him, he kick my hand and my gun was thrown away.

He smirk at me gaining his composure, he stand up straight aiming to punch me. But as a shorty guy he is, he can't reach me.

"You need more vitamins Voldie." I punch his face making him spit with blood.

"Fuck you! I'll kill you!" He shouted. Again I kick his stomach making him curl down to the floor.

"Kill me? You can't even lay a finger on me. You can sue me Atty. The hell I care but I will kill you first, From the beginning you are at fault. You cheated first. Mew loved me and you wanted him again so you resorted on harming everyone. Being inside the prison cell for 27 hours, was not a joke. My fear, my trauma, my pain all that should be paid." I keep on kicking him while he is lying on the floor, curling into a ball. My body is shaking in too much rage. I just want to kill him right away. I kick him in the stomach and I saw blood gushing out of his mouth.

I felt scared. But before I break down a strong set of arms snatch me away.

"Stop it! You will kill him!" It was my husband. I saw him walk towards Art, he help him to stand up and Mew wipe his bloody face.

Art cried in his shoulder, saying that I provoke him first.

I glared at them. I pick my gun and pointed it to the two of them.

"I provoke you?" I chuckled. He's a lying son of a bitch!

"Baby.." Mew wink at me.
Is he planning something?

I nod my head, indicating that I am okay on what he's planning to do. But I still point my gun to them just incase.

Just as I thought, Mew whistled, and Policemen came inside the yacht to arrest Art. They get the divorce papers and show it to Mew, and the gun that Art used. I surrender my own gun though it was licensed. I still used it.

"You need to come with us to give your statements," The police officer said and we just both nodded.

"How did you know that Art is here and why take a police with you?" I ask him while we are on our way, following the police car.

"My secretary told me that Art asked him to keep me busy by giving me unnecessary papers to sign and read. It was suspicious, so I interrogated him. He confessed. But I need a new secretary. I fired him. I dont need fake people on my office. Arisz did that divorce paper thing to help her brother, let's add that to the evidences for her to denounce her position in the Supreme Court. Then Agent Run called me saying you are in trouble. I know him, his brother is the one helping me aside from your Father." Mew hold my hand and he kiss it.

I sigh deeply..
I think this revenge play is done.

And I felt good by hitting Art.


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