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I woke up feeling the pain on my lower part.

I winced and check the empty bed beside me. Where is he?

To answer my own question, the bedroom door opens and Mew came in carrying a tray with breakfast, he smiled at me. Damn that smile always makes me feel giddy.

"Morning, beautiful.." He put the tray on the bedside table and he give me a peck on my lips.

"Morning, Dhie.." I smile a little because I am uncomfortable with the pain I'm feeling.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling sore? Eat your breakfast then take this pain reliever." He help me to sit on the bed then he put pillow on my back.

"You're not eating with me?"

"I'm a coffee in the morning person, so no.. Eat up baby while I'll prepare for work then I will sent you home." He kissed me again on my forehead then he put the tray on my lap.

I eat while he prepared for work, I am almost finished when he got out of the walk in closet wearing his suit.
He look dashing. So this is how he look like in a court room.

"Hi there attorney.." I tease him. He just laugh a bit. He get the tray and he help me to get up. He help me to go to the bathroom because I can't walk straight. Shit! Who would've thought that having sex can make you an imbecile person.

"Go and clean up Mhie. Then we will leave."

I just nodded at him then I proceeded to take shower and cleaned well.

When I finished the room is now neatly arrange and Mew was talking with someone on his phone.

"Sheen, contact Chulalongkorn University please set an appointment for me, thank you."

He's also teaching? That's my alma mater.

"I already prepared your clothes. Inside the walk in closet." he motioned me to go in. So I did. I wear as fast as I can because he's been waiting long enough. Im afraid he will be late for work because of me.

"Let's go. I'm done."

We are already in the car and on our way to our dormitories for all the strippers, when he handed me a freaking BLACK CARD.

"What's this?"

He look at me flatly.
"Obviously baby, it's a card!"

"I know! Why are you giving this to me?" I snapped at Mew.

"Buy anything you need, change your wardrobes, shoes, make ups, jewelries, and pampered your hair. I love it.. Look it has split ends." Be hold the tip of my long hair.

"No need, I will cut this soon if I'll go back to school."

"Treat your friends and go shopping with them." He suggested again.

"Are you always this generous?"

"Love, you are helping me.. Take this as a token of my appreciation, just repay GENERAL with standing ovation and we are settled." he smirks at me and he hold my hand and put it on his dick.

"Pervert!" I grab the card on his hand and put it on my bag.

When we arrived he pulled me for a hungry kiss.

"I'll freaking miss you.. Wait for my secretary she will send you a new phone".

"But I have phone." I grimace.

"Baby.. I don't want to hear, IFS and BUTS. if all I give you is for the better, accept it and say thanks. That's all." He looked pissed.

"Fine, thank you.." I kiss him quick before I go down. I waved at him.

I didn't leave the gate until his car was gone.

I sleep and rest my body for a while then Sheryl wakes me up by her screams.

"Omg Gulf wake up!!!"

I almost fall on my bed, I glared at her.
"What's wrong with you?!"

"Someone came and bought a small box. Quick let's check it."

Pamela and Andrea are both sitting on the living room looking at the box.

It is wrapped with a nice wrapper and it has a note. I get it and It says:

"Baby, open it and use it immediately
- Dhie.

The three ladies reading beside me squeals and it almost broke my eardrums.

"Who is it?" Pamela look at him suspiciously.

" Yeah tell us, oh my god," Andrea muffled her screams.

"Was it the guy from last night?" Sheryl nudge my shoulder.

I didn't answer them instead I open the box and there I saw a limited edition kind of phone. And it's case around it was filled with precious stones.

"The fuck?! After the black card, now this?! This is too much!" I shouted but not in hapiness but in rage.

It looks like I AM A GOLD DIGGER.

he grabbed his own phone and called Mew directly.

"Hi baby. Did you received it?"

"Take this back. This is too much!" I squeal at him.

"What? That's actually cheap!"

I squint my eyes.

"Cheap?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" the three beside me gasped.

"Baby, Calm down okay.. Don't be a Dino right now. I'm in the middle of a talk with a client." then he whisper something I clearly hear. "Sorry about that Mr. Pruk, just my nagging wife."
"Anyway baby. Let's talk later. I told you go shopping and calm yourself. " Then he dropped the call.

I can't believe that he just call me a Dino, and a nagging wife! How dare you Mew! I almost smoke in anger.

A flicker bulb of idea cross my mind.

"Girls , it's still early anyway, lets go shopping and use this asshole's black card." I smirk to them and the three agreed happily.

"You can say goodbye to your money now Segovia."

LOVING THE STRIPPER (Published Under TDP Publishing House) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang