Chapter 21: Training Part 8 of 14 - Cool, Cooler, Coolest

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I appreciate any constructive criticism. I especially appreciate reviews that have questions I can answer in review responses, thoughts on why a scene I wrote was funny/cute/epic/sad/or whatever, and positive feedback, which all really motivates me to continue writing. :)

('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

{'Bahamut speaking telepathically'}

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 21: Training Part 8 of 14 - Cool, Cooler, Coolest (58)

As the feast ended, Thor told the trainees to follow him while Akame was still eating a seemingly endless supply of food despite her perfect looks. She's one of the rare few who has a black-hole for a stomach; nothing changes.

"So," Issei said, "what did you want to talk about, Thor?"

He smiled politely. "Follow me. There is something I want to show all of you."

All of them, even Rossweisse, who was out cold drunk but is now awake and somehow sober, followed him out of the dining hall and up multiple flights of stairs. One set of stairs split into two different paths ending in two massive wooden doors. They know where the one on the right leads to, but not the left one, which Thor opened, revealing a grand library.

Thor looked at them. "This is the library... Obviously." He gestured to the closest set of aisles. "Here, you can find all sorts of books that allow you to learn everything there is to know about Asgard and the other realms." He then pointed at a relatively small section of aisles in the back-right corner. "Over there, however, are books that have been locked away via a magical barrier so that only those that my father and I permit can enter it, that being you. Those books contain lots of information on how to learn magic, such as the basics of Earth, Fire, Water or Ice, Wind, Spirit, and Void, as well as other advanced levels of magic."

"Woah," They all chorused.

"Exactly where is this library in the castle?" Vali asked.

"11th floor. Let me explain the layout of my humble abode for you."

He showed them a small billboard of the layout of the castle:

Mysterious Basement. Only the royal Aesir family are allowed to traversed this place and have told no one of its contents.

First two floors are open to the public, the rest are not.

1st Floor: Shopping Mall, Business Sector, and Royal Guard.

2nd Floor: Royal Guard, Guild Admissions for adventurers, and Teleporter To Hall of Trials. Here, you take a teleporter to a building, the Hall of Trials, wherein you face real life-or-death combat against monsters. Monsters contain beasts such as Giant Spiders, Giant Bees, Giant Crocodiles, Zombies, Gargoyles, Demons, Wind Dragons, and Fire Dragons. Your only options are to die, advance as many floors as you can before calling it quits, or beat all 1,300 floors and all 13 bosses. Prize is a very wealthy sum of runes and uru as well as any one wish granted by Odin himself. Number of winners in its history= 0. Recommended for adventurers and soldiers only, as supernatural beings will find this too easy. Current record for furthest someone has proceeded is 666 floors, where multiple people have died to Demons. Average Deaths Per Earth Year are about 200.

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