Chapter 25: Training Part 12 of 14 - Deafening

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I'm actually going to introduce the 2nd OC, who WILL be in Issei's harem, let's just say a lot sooner than Chapter 77 which is what I had originally planned. The Devil Is A Part Timer cast won't come into play until Chapter 35. Whatever Chapter I said I would introduce them in before was just an estimation, but now I have all the arcs planned out. It's just a matter of figuring out the exact details. 


Sirzechs sighed after Issei left. He was glad the kid didn't see the bags under his eyes. Unfortunately for him, Serafall did, and she was not pleased with him pretending everything is alright. 

The Leviathan gave him a hard stare. "Alright, what's up Sirzechs?"

He looked at her, feigning confusion. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me! Something is clearly bugging you. I can't tell if you're depressed or something due to that deep sigh, but I see how tired you seem."

Grayfia directed her attention between them as they spoke. "Looks like the cat is out of the bag?" 

"Gray-chan? Do you know what's going on?"

She nodded. "You see, my idiotic husband here thought it would be best to hide the fact that, for a little over two weeks now, even before the incident at Rias' school, he's been having terrible nightmares, visions to be exact."

Serafall stood up to talk face-to-face to both of them. "What kind of visions? And what does the Kuoh Incident have to do with any of this?"

"... You remember how that machine, VEGA, and Gabriel said that her brother might be back? The attack on Kuoh was done by him. We already have enough evidence to say so: the pentagram drawn right before the Kuoh Incident, for example. There's also those Demons that emerged from the portal, and although they look extremely different from the very few we have seen in our lives, there is no doubt that they're the same and have only evolved. He's been giving premonitions to Sirzechs of something, a terrible future in which most of us die for some reason."

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes. "Yes. In the dreams, I saw the other three Satans brutally murdered. It got worse and worse to the point where I saw my parents die right before my eyes as well as Rias and Grayfia, all murdered by Him. But... What scares me the most is that I have a funny feeling that I am somehow indirectly responsible for their deaths."

Serafall crossed her arms. "Did He say anything? Anything at all that can give us clues as to why he would torture you like this?"

He shook his head while sighing. "No. However, there is one thing he said that I cannot remember. All I remember is him saying that those visions are exactly what will happen if I don't follow his instructions, like he wants me to do his bidding or something."

"What exactly did he say?"

Sirzechs shuddered. "He said that he has specific instructions for me to follow. I just can't for the life of me remember what he said next."

The Leviathan was thoroughly alarmed. 

Issei's Dragons:

('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

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