Chapter 24: Training Part 11 of 14 - Silentium

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('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

{'Bahamut speaking telepathically'}

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 24: Training Part 11 of 14 - Silentium

Day 60 of 120 Training Days


"... I, shall train you," Ophis said. She lifted a finger and pointed it at Issei. "... Issei, you are now capable of activating your Diabolos Dragon God form. However, it, is still incomplete. I shall help fix that. You weren't powerful enough before to withstand what I am about to do to you, but you are now. Same for you, Hakuryuukou Vali Lucifer and your Diabolos Dragon Lucifer form."

Issei gulped. "W-What are you going to do to me, Auntie?"

"... Give you a portion of my power." This earned gasps of surprise from all eleven trainees. "... The power I give you will be so small compared to my capacity, and the process will hurt, but it will be enough so that it doesn't kill you and helps complete both of your Diabolos Dragon forms. Once it's done, you will be able to further grow the power I give you by training it. Now... Are you ready?"

Issei and Vali shared nervous glances but nodded as they stepped forward. "We are."

"Wait!" Everyone turned to the source of the voice, Ravel. "May I use my magic to heal them to ease the pain?"

"... You may. Do it as soon as they start showing any discomfort." Ophis affirmed, to which Ravel nodded. "... Ddraig, Albion, are you ready?"


Ophis nodded and pointed a palm at the two Heavenly Dragon's hosts, opening a black portal. From it came a total of ten snakes. "... I apologize in advance for what is about to happen, so please don't hate me, especially you, Issei."

Before Issei and Vali could react, eight of the snakes shot towards them and grabbed their arms and legs, lifting them up a couple feet off the ground, restraining them so that they can't move a single muscle. The last two snakes, seeing that the two Heavenly Dragons have been put in a rather compromising and even suggestive position, slithered forward and crawled up their bodies, covering them in black auras that no one see through.

Akeno smiled. "Ara ara, are they about to be tentacled? Fufu."

Arisu sighed. "Get yer mind outta the gutter!" She punched the top of Akeno's head, making her wince.

"H-Hit me more," She said, looking at the Princess with a lustful blush.

"Yer a masochist in bed! As I suspected, ya shameless pervert!" Arisu backed away, fearing for her booty.

"Hit MEEEEE~!" Akeno moaned.

"No! Someone help!" Arisu screamed like she was about to be raped, running to hide behind Raynare, glaring at Akeno from behind the Queen with a cute pout.

The other girls sweatdropped at the antics of the two ponytailed beauties, one being a naughty sexually-masochistic yandere battle-sadist mage, the other an innocent tsundere shy Princess goddess and powerful badass warrior. Ophis ignored them.

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