Chapter 29: Ragnarok Tournament Part 2 of 5 - Quarter Finals Fin

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I'm currently watching Season 3 Part 2 of Attack On Titan, and holy fuck this is the best season ever.

Just to let everyone know, I will be taking a month-long break from writing once I have published the final part of this arc. I will be doing something similar at the end of every Volume.

Before we begin, I just want to share a random opinion of mine. It's not that the art style of Highschool DxD HERO is bad, but it just doesn't fit the anime, although I do like Ravel's art style. Seasons 1 and 2 had better art style, and the LN is the best (haven't even read it).

Warning: Issei x Irina Lemon in this chapter.

Issei had his eyes closed. Unknown voices could be heard talking, multiple of them, but they were too garbled for him to make anything of it. Their conversations grew louder and more coherent. 

"He's finally waking up."

Slowly, he opened his eyes to see familiar surroundings. He realized he was in the bedroom of his house. 

"How did I end up here?" He asked himself out loud. 

"That's because you aren't here," A voice interrupted. He turned to see two strangers, a man and a woman. The woman has long blonde hair, light green eyes, a head accessory, and a purple dress. The man has teal hair, pink eyes, and a black noble uniform with a cape attached to it. 

"Who are you? How did you get in my house? How did I get here?" 

The woman giggled. "I'm Elsha. I'm the soul of the most powerful female user of the Boosted Gear. You are currently dreaming since you're asleep."

The man spoke in a gruff voice. "I'm Belzhard, the former most powerful user of the Boosted Gear. You have surpassed us both."

Issei blinked. "... What? How do I know this is happening, that this is real?"

Elsha shook her head. "Well of course it is a dream, but that doesn't make it any less real. Did you really think Ddraig is the only soul inside the Boosted Gear?" She opened the window, letting a breeze in, making the curtains sway. "There's Ddraig, you, me, Belzhard, and Vritra who Ddraig has allowed in. However, there's also a sixth soul in here that you aren't aware of, or at least a fragment."

Issei didn't know what that meant, but he didn't like it as he felt a shiver go down his spine, her mysterious voice causing his mind to race. "A sixth soul?"

"Elsha!" Belzhard's tone was harsh. "Not now."

Ddraig suddenly poked his head into the window. ("Partner, these two really are here. And Elsha, I wouldn't continue the direction of this conversation. It will only serve to worry my host.")

|"Is everything alright in there?"| Vritra said from outside the house.

("It's fine, Vritra. I have everything under control.")

Issei sighed, confused, having no idea what to make of what they said. "So, what is it you need for me?"

"Nothing," Belzhard stated. "We live in the Boosted Gear and have been watching you since Ddraig chose you as his host, and now that you are powerful enough to hold a conversation with us, we'll be here if you ever need any advice."

Highschool DxD: Into The MultiverseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang