Chapter 18: Goodnight, Sweetheart

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Dedicated to Membaita1 for an amazing review of my book!!!


I waited and waited and waited, but Liam didn't come.

I paced around the edge of the bed endlessly waiting. I explored the room, every cranny, every nook and found nothing to help me, nothing to even distract me. I was left alone with my thoughts, a most dangerous thing for me to be left with.

The room was clean, spotless, not even a speck of dust graced the furniture. The dresser and closet held only clothes and shoes in exactly my size. Many of the items still had tags of expensive designers still attached to them. Other than the lights on the nightstands, no other decor graced the room.

I scoured the bathroom after I picked apart the bedroom, but again came up empty. Other than the first aide kit, I only found typically bathroom toiletries under the cabinet under the sink.

After my time wasting search, I sat on the bed waiting. Staring at the glossy dark wooden door, awaiting my fate, ready to take whatever Liam was ready to send my way, but he didn't come.

Was the door even locked? I didn't want to test it and chance him waiting behind ready to pounce. It wouldn't be wise trying to escape again tonight. I was in no shape to fight or try at this point, earlier tonight proved it.

The lids of my eyes grew heavy. I tried to shift myself further up on the bed, in a less sleep inducing position. My back met the wooden headboard and I let the edge of it dig into my back, hoping the discomfort would keep me alert, awake. I didn't want to be taken by surprise in my sleep.

But as the hour like minutes passed, my eyelids sunk lower and lower, a dying sun waiting for the moon to emerge to let me claim the rest it so desperately needed. The time had come to rest. I was asleep before five minutes had even passed.

Hours later, I was roused from my sleep to the shifting weight on the bed. My breath stopped. My heart pounded to the point it seemed it would beat out of my chest. I no longer was alone.

My eyes fluttered open and close for a few moments, trying to refocus on the room after being deep in slumber. As the bed creaked from more movement they struck wide open, as my body was pulled harsh from its side sleeping position and onto its back. I small yelp escaped me as Liam's body hovered above mine, pressing his weight firmly into me, trapping it beneath its hard muscular glory.

"Hello sleeping beauty, who said you could go to sleep without me," he demanded his green eyes already taken over by midnight black. His breath had the slight hint of alcoholic fragrance to it, whiskey I presumed.

"Rule number four, you don't go to sleep until you say goodnight to me," he said stroking my cheek. His other hand went down to the wrist he had injured earlier and stroked it as well. As quick as the soft, warm, and sweet Liam came the hard, cold, and aggressive Liam reappeared. He dug his thumb forcefully into my injured wrist. Before I could shout out in pain he covered my mouth.

"Shhhhh, we don't want to wake the other dolls now do we," he asked with a chuckle and an upturned lip, making him look as crazy as he had begun acting.

I tried to jerk my body up and away from him, but my ankle protested against the weight and strain of the lock around it. When did he put the lock back on me? When I was asleep? How had I not noticed? How long had he been in this room with me before I had woken up? Anxiety coursed like rivers through my veins, flooding every part of me with the endless worrying thoughts that plagued my mind.

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