Chapter 32: Twenty-Four Days

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Forgive me for not editing. 😬

Day 1

I banged and shouted at the door endlessly for hours as if I were a record on a continuous loop. I shoved my body against the door so many times I could feel my shoulder bruising with each and every impact.  I had no concept of how long I banged and screamed for, but I did until my throat was dry, my face was drenched in tears, and my body couldn't take anymore. I finally sat down against the cool stone steps and laid my head on the door in defeat.

Day 1

It brought me such pleasure to her each scream, each thud of her worn down body projected against the door, each jingle of the handle. To say my heart swelled with joy was an understatement. I sat in my study, sipped my whiskey, and listened to the opera of suffering fill my ears. If forcing myself on her didnt break her, this would.

Day 2

I was freezing. My teeth chattered in my mouth as I tried to wrap the towel around me closer to absorb any of its warmth. I refused to venture down the stairs. I knew nothing lay at the bottom for me, but cold dark nothingness. Instead I watched the ray of light piercing through the opening as I waited for someone to come.

Day 2

Nothing for you today, my sweet. You don't want it bad enough.

Day 3

A gnawing ache filled my belly, along with the ever growing fullness of my bladder. I tried to call out again. My parched lips parting with a plea of needing to go, but no one came. Filled with sham, I finally descended into the basement.

Day 3

I unlocked the door to see her crouched against it. She stood, her eyes squinting at the sudden outburst of light, thinking I would let her out. I almost chuckled out loud at the thought of it. I shoved a gallon jug filled with water at her, it sloshed over the edge hitting her dusty dirt covered body. The sudden movement caught her off balance and she nearly fell back against the stair way wall. I shut and locked the door. Did she deserve water? No, but she would die without it and I hadn't decided if that was to be her fate....yet.

Day 4

I was so tired, but sleep eluded me. I could never fall asleep for long, hunger, cold, or discomfort always woke me before long. Would I die down here?   I knew he meant me to suffer, but would he really let me die?

Day 5

She's been quiet for two days. There's no way she's dead. She has water, but the hunger must be intolerable at this point. Little bites of pity pulled at my heartstrings. The main one being Hannah that would look towards the basement door with utter sadness in her eyes.

Day 5

My stomach cramped unbearably making sleep impossible. The lack of sleep and food made me wish death would come soon, but every time I told myself I will be done today I will give up, I took another sip of water. I was too much of a coward to stay true to my word. So, I was shocked when the basement door opened and a plate of crackers and peanut butter was placed on the too step beside me. I didn't move. I didn't even bother to look up at him. He stood there a few minutes waiting. I sighed and whispered out in a hoarse voice that said nothing like my own, "Thank you." He shut the door right after I thanked him. I listened for his footsteps slowly die out as he walked away before grabbing onto the plate and greedily scooping my finger into the peanut butter. Peanut butter had never tasted so good.

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