Chapter 17

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It's been a week since I spent the weekend at Max's place and I've managed to stay out of trouble.

*Max raises an eyebrow at me*


Anyway, other than the fact the I got a detention for talking in class, punishment for which was corner time....but with a gag, because I got in trouble for talking. Why is Max so creative when it comes to punishments?!?!?

Apart from this, the week has been going rather peacefully. I go to Sia's place almost every day, and all four of us do our homework together, the guys helping Sia and me with any difficulties we have. Sia and I even auditioned for the musical and got great roles. Guess who the lead is? Meeee!!!!!!!!!!!

I jumped in my seat when the bell rang, signalling the end of class. I started packing my things so we could get to lunch.

"Finally! Let's goooooooo!" Sia whined, wanting me to be faster.

"You go ahead, I need to use the restroom," I told her as I zipped up my bag.

"Okay, meet you at the table." With that, Sia practically ran out of the classroom, leaving me to chuckle at her antics.

(bullying trigger warning)

I take my bag and walk to the restroom. The halls are mostly empty except for a few other students. I walked into the restroom to see Alexia, the school's Queen Bee, and her two minions, Jennifer and Rachel. I contemplated getting out of there, but I really needed to pee, so I just kept my head down, using my hair as a cover as I made my way to a stall.

Alexia and her girls have been giving me a meanie eye all week. And I know exactly why that is. One, because she has wanted to sleep with Max for a long time (she has been with everyone on the football team except Max). Two, she thought she would get the lead role in the musical for sure, but she didn't.

Suddenly, I tripped on something and fell headfirst on the bathroom floor, hitting my head hard. I looked up to realize that I had tripped over Rachel's leg.

"Listen here bitch! Max belongs to me, so leave him alone. You are nothing but a charity case to him. He wouldn't and doesn't like a fat ass bitch like you." Alexia yelled in my face while pulling my hair to make me look at her after Jennifer locked the door. "And as for the musical, you better quit bitch. I am going to be the lead one way or another."

Alexia kicked me on the stomach, and I doubled over in pain. Jennifer and Rachel followed after, kicking me a few times before leaving with Alexia. Of course not without warning about what might happen if this little episode got out.

I cried silently, curling in a ball in pain. That's when my phone pinged with a message. I looked at it to see Sia's message, asking me where I was. I told her I would be there in a minute before willing myself to fight against the pain and get off the floor. I do my business and wash my hands and face so that the guys won't know that I had been crying.

As I wash my face, I look at myself in the mirror. Alexia is right. I'm nothing special. Max has no reason to be with me. No reason to be my... Daddy. Maybe I am a charity case. And compared to all the girls Max has ever dated, I'm wayyyy fatter.

I hear another ping on my phone, and with one look at myself, I step out of the bathroom and walk over to the cafeteria. When I get there, I walk straight through the crowd to our table, ignoring the glare that Alexia and her cheer squad are throwing at me and the pain on my stomach.

"Hey, sorry it took long," I say as I sit in my spot next to Max, trying not to look in pain.

"What happened to your head?" Max asks. I turn my face away so he can't see it, but he holds my chin firmly and makes me look at him.

"Nothing," I mumble, trying to think of an excuse.

"Sophia, it's not nothing! You have a bump on your head!" Max scolds me, making me look down.

"I didn't see the wet floor sign and slipped," I mumble, hoping they would buy my lie.

"You seriously need to be more careful, Sophie," Sia says, shaking her head.

"I know." I smile at her.

"Come on, let's eat," Max says, placing a salad in front of me.

I silently sigh as I open my salad. We talk as we eat. Well, they eat, and I mostly move my food around. Max sees this and gives me a look telling me to eat. Luckily, I get away with just saying that I'm not hungry. I don't speak much for the rest of the day and try to avoid Max as much as possible. After school, when I'm on my way to the theatre with Sia, she decides to talk about it.

"What's going on? You have been quiet all day. Not saying a word..."

"Nothing. I'm just tired and want to get home and sleep."  I say quietly.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you have a fever?" Sia says as she puts her hand on my forehead. I swat her hand away and shake my head.

"I'm fine. Just tired and sleepy."


After rehearsals, Sia dropped me home because the guys were still in practice. I got changed and did my homework. I had been completely ignoring my phone since I got home, so I decided to check it after I finished my work. I had 4 messages from Max and a missed call. I text him that I'm fine and that I didn't have my phone with me as I was doing my homework. Surprisingly his reply is quick.

Max: It's okay baby. Did you rest?

Me: I'm just going to go to bed now.

Max: Did you eat dinner?

I bite my lip as I think about it. My stomach answers this question by growling loudly.

Me: I'll eat the lasagna Carla made before I go to bed.

Max: Good girl.

I smile a little as I see that message. I put my phone down on the counter as I entered the kitchen. I took out some lasagna and put it in the microwave just as I heard a ping from my phone.

Max: Good night Sugar :) Sleep tight.

Me: Good night daddy :)

I eat dinner and then go to bed, just like I told Max. The last thing I think about before I fall asleep is Alexia's words.


Okay, first of all, this is to everyone who has gone through something similar, DON'T TAKE THE BULLY SERIOUSLY. Most bullies bully others because of their insecurities. Because they feel threatened by you. Because they are jealous. AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Talk to someone about it. There are a lot of people out there who will help you.

I'm a supporter of StopTheB and urge everyone to support it. If anyone ever needs someone to talk, feel free to message me.

QOTD: Were you ever bullied verbally, physically or emotionally? What did you do about it?

Love, Love. See you soon.

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