Chapter 2

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This week has been really weird. Max has been spending a lot of time hanging around me. I seriously don't understand, he is usually with his other football buddies and around me only when I'm around Dylan.

Well, I can't really complain. I'm loving the attention I'm getting from him. He is constantly trying to get to know me better and we are talking more than we used to.

"Alright everyone. This time I'm going to let you partner up with whoever you want for the project. Give me your and your partner's name before leaving class." Mr. Remington, our English teacher, announces. Everybody high fives and starts talking.

"So, are you coming to my place or the other way around?" Sia turns to me from beside me.

"My place. My parents want me to clean up the place as they are having friends over for dinner." I sigh. Yesterday they told me that my mom's best friend and boss will be coming for dinner with her husband. They will all be going out together afterwards.

"Cool. I'll tell Dylan."

"Alright. That's enough. Let's get to work." Mr. Remington called from the front and everyone quieted down to pay attention.

Sia and I discussed about what we were going to do in the project during lunch and gossiped between classes later. Dylan dropped us at my place before going back to school for football practice.

"Where are we setting up?" Sia asked as we entered.

" room?" I suggest. I will have to show her my room sooner or later anyway. And I spent an hour cleaning before school, I don't want to clean up again later. "Come on, let's go."

I lock the door and we go upstairs to my room. Sia audibly gasps as soon as I open the door. My room is blue and filled with stuffies. I tell my parents that I keep them as decor but I actually keep them because I love to cuddle with them. There are fairy lights around too. There are two white dressers on either side of my single bed. Above one are photos, trophies and medals. Above the other is a mirror and more photos. Other than this it is mostly decorated with stuffies. There was a bean bag, a study table and a bookshelf.

"This is soo...cute and cool!" Sia squeals before jumping on my bed and making my favourite stuffies fall. "I didn't know you had a little room. Hell, I didn't even know you were interested! Why didn't you tell me? Are you really a little? Why did you...." She went on talking a mile a minute.

"Geez Sia, calm down!" I said as I kept my bag on my desk.

"Well, start talking then! Why didn't you tell me you are a little?" Sia squealed.

"Well, um I don't know if I actually am a little." I shrugged and turned my back to her.

"Umm... What are your thoughts to if you are a little? I mean, do you like things that I do when I'm little?" She asks.

"Like what?"

"Like coloring, cuddling, watching cartoons and that kind of stuff to relax." She shrugged.

"Well I guess." I try to play it of as if it is no big deal. "Let's get started so we can relax after." I turned to her with my laptop.

She nodded and we started to work on our project. She kept stealing glances at me and around the room. She was curious but didn't ask anything knowing that I didn't want to talk about it. I finally decided to tell her everything.

"I'm a tad bit envious of you. I really like the dynamic you have with Dylan. I have a few little tendencies but I'm scared of talking to anyone about it." I say in a breath and then hold my breath, waiting for Sia's reaction.

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