Chapter 26

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Shout out to @shittyxx for getting my age right, I am 16.

Alsoooo, before you guys start reading, please let me know what you guys thought of the last chapter because I for one feel like it was awful.


I rub my eyes as I start to wake up, groaning as I stretch, making my bones pop. I look at the time to see that I woke up just before my alarm. I sighed as I remembered that the bowling plans are cancelled and decided to turn off my alarm and sleep some more.

I was woken up by my mom telling me to wake up because they had to leave for work and it was morning. I groaned and shooed her away, waking up slowing as I made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and decided not to change out of my PJs before making my way down.

"Are you going to go bowling in that?" Mom asked as she put her coat on, raising a eyebrow at my clothes.

"Bowling? Sorry, I forgot to tell you that the plans were cancelled." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, hoping they won't ask why.

Thankfully they just shrugged and left for work. I decided to just get some regular muesli for breakfast with some sweet milk. I open my phone as I sit down at the counter with my bowl.

Max: Good Morning sunshine. I hope you got some good sleep. Text me when you wake up.

I smiled and texted him good morning before looking at my other texts.

SiSi: I wannaa go bowlingggggg. This is not fairrrrrr. What rules did max give you for the grounding?

I chuckled at her text and told her that I want to go too and I had no idea what her last question meant.

Just as I put my phone down, it started ringing. I smiled as I picked up.

"Good morning my sweet little angel."

"Good morning to you too mister."

"What are you doing?"

"Having muesli and milk for breakfast. Sweet milk."

"Okay well I needed to tell you the grounding rules."

"Unless they include going bowling or just going out to have fun, I think I can live without them." I groaned.

"Drop the attitude missy." I pouted at his stern voice but didn't say anything. "Now. These are the rules. You can't have more than an hour of screen time. No sweets, candy or anything with a lot of sugar. You are not gonna waste your time while you are grounded. I want you to get some studying done and the practice assignments I am sending you done by the end of the weekend. That's all. Any questions?"

"Can we increase the screen time by an hour maybe? Please?"

"If you have done enough work then maybe I will let you get some screen time before bed. And if you feel like you can't get the work done or if you are just too tired to be able to do it, talk to me, okay?"

"Okaii." I smiled.

"Alright baby, I have to go. I'll send you the assignments. Finish your breakfast and shower. Don't forget to drink water baby. "

"I will try to remember. Byeeee. "

He hung up the phone and I went back to eating my breakfast. Not even a minute later, Sia called.

"He hasn't given you rulessss????!??!?!?" Sia screeched through the phone.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down girl. He called just after I texted you. And gave me my rules."

"Oh dang. I was hoping he didn't and we would be able to find a loophole. " Sia sighed as I giggled.

My phone vibrated in my hand multiple times. I looked at it to see a lot of documents sent by Max.

"I just got my assignments from Max." I sighed, already kind of dreading the work.

"He gave you assignments??? Damnnn. Dylan just makes me do a lot of chores. "

"Anyways, I have to finish eating and shower before I start on my work. If I can get a lot done then Max is going to let me have one more hour of screen time. "

"Sameee. I'll text later. Bye girl." Sia said, hanging up.

I sighed and finished my breakfast as I looked at the assignments.

They were a mix of essays, math problems, general puzzles and a few drawing and colouring assignments. Unfortunately, a note said the each drawing assignment was only to be done after five others were done.

I went up to my room with a bottle of water and got showered and dressed in a oversized hoodie and warm woolen thigh highs. I put my hair up in a messy bun before sitting down at my desk and starting on my homework.

I took sips from my water as I worked through my homework.


I looked at my phone startled as it rang suddenly. I looked at it to see Max calling.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" I squealed happily as I answered the call.

"Hey there princess." Max chuckled making me practically melt. "What you up to babygirl?"

"Doing my first colouring assignment!!!" I grinned happily as I looked at my half coloured doggy.

"Already finished five assignments?"

"Mhmm!! Only had a little bit of homework an an an finished it in like like 20 minutes!!"

"Wowww that is so fast baby!!" Daddy chuckled. "And what are you colouring right now darling?"

"M coloring a doggy!!!"

"Awww I would love to see it princess. How about you send me a photo when you get done?"

"Okieeee." I sipped from my bottle, finishing the last bit of water. "An an an I just finished a bottle of water!!"

Daddy praised me before telling me that he had to leave and to get lunch right now and I can continue working on my colouring after I eat.

And me wanting to be daddy's good girl did as told. Warming a plate of pre made pasta as I as started the TV to watch cartoons.

I spent the next  half hour in front of the TV watching Paw Patrol and finishing up my pasta. Once I was done I put my plate to wash and cleaned up before going back to my room to finish colouring my doggy.

I checked my phone to see a text from daddy.

Max: Take a 2 hour nap after you finish colouring. I'm not asking.

I smile and reply with a simple okay before going back to my colouring. Once down I go use the bathroom before cuddling up in bed with Blue.

I didn't even realise how tired I was until I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep.


Heyy amazing peopleee
Thank you all so much for the support and thank you very much for sticking around. I really appreciate it.

QOTC: Who is your favorite character so far?

Extra QOTC: Anything specific you want to see happening?? You can DM me if you want to keep it a secret or you can just comment.

Love, Love. See you soon.

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