Better than this

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You spent another week at the hideaway house before you saw someone. This time instead of just one or two men, a group of people came in. All in disguise. You greeting them in the living room, but when they held no groceries you were confused.

Until they pulled off their hoods.

"Oh my Merlin!" It was Harry, Ron, Hermione, and even Ginny.

"Pack your bags mates, you get to leave hideaway" Ron smiled, you wrapped your arms around them all. Pulling them into a huge group hug.

"Draco!!!" You yelled. Draco ran down the hall in his sweatpants. You must have scared him because he ran quickly into the living room.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He saw the group standing near the door.

"Oh hi... wait. Ginny? Ron?" The other two had come to see us, but Ginny and Ron hadn't.

"They said we can finally leave" you could jump for joy. You and Draco had gotten so bored here, and there were only so many times a day you could distract yourselves before you were sore. Draco sighed with relief.

"Good. I was starting to worry we'd be stuck here forever."

"Before we can go we have some photos to show you Draco. Maybe you can point out anyone you may recognize. It'll help us a lot" Harry asked, Draco nodded.

"Maybe I should go put a shirt on"

"Did you need me to look? Or can I go start packing?"

"You're fine to pack.." Ron wouldn't look at you. You had on your black and green nightie, which you had not noticed until you saw Ginny smiling at you. "And I'm nearly naked. Oh, my Merlin" you hurried away. The nightie really didn't leave much to the imagination.

You packed as fast as you could manage. Changing into some jeans and one of Draco's button-up shirts, tucking it into your waistband. You grabbed your bags, hurrying down the stairs, setting your bags down before going to the kitchen where Draco stood over the table. Talking with the group. You walked up beside him, he didn't look away from the photos on the table.

"Y/n," he said when he noticed you "isn't this" he pointed to a photo of the man from the alleyway, you cringed.

"Yeah.." you couldn't look at the photo long. Harry just nodded, adding the photo to a stack on the side of the table. Ginny tilted her head at you, you realized you never told her what had happened to you. You looked at her, sighing.

"He tried to rape me after that photo of me and Draco ended up on the paper" you couldn't watch her face. Instead, looking down to your feet.

"Y/n..." she spoke before Harry gave her a look. You'd have to talk to her later.

Draco pointed at a few faces he recognized.

"Did you only catch one of them?" you showed Harry a photo as you thumbed through the stack of discarded photos, you turned it to them showing a photo of one of the men who jumped Draco that day in the alley.

"You know him?" Harry asked, you had assumed Draco pointed him out from that night.

"Uh yeah, he's one of the people who attacked Draco in the alleyway?"

"He was someone my mom had over a lot. I must not remember him being there..." Draco thought for a moment, his memories of that event were cloudy like his brain was protecting itself from the trauma but you thought he remembered the faces. Draco seemed bothered by this.

"y/n, can you look through the photos with Draco? Maybe you will see some people you know."

You skimmed over the photos with Draco, who stared at them for a long while.

"I don't recognize anyone else, sorry" While you thought you might recognize some, you had to admit that a lot of them kind of looked the same.

Harry set a photo of a large group on the table.

"Wait, them. They're the other two guys" You pointed to two men who stood near each other in the photo. Harry and Ron looked at one another. "What?" You asked, something was up.

"These men all work at the Ministry," Harry spoke. "But we have been looking into them for other reasons"

"I watched his one kick Draco in the head. I stupefied him. "You gritted your teeth, you wish now you had done so much more. Draco sat down then looking sick. You walked over to him, standing behind him wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He shook his head, his memory was failing him.


Harry and the group drove you to their house. It felt so nice to be in the sun again. You walked into Harry's house. It smelt so much like fresh-baked bread.

"I am going to guess you guys hadn't been eating great. So I plan on making a big dinner" Ginny was so happy with herself. And honestly, she was right. You had been making such basic food you had almost forgotten what good food really tasted like.

That night you all drank, fire whiskey filled every glass.

How could life get any better than this?

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