Chapter 13

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Izukus's throat was closing fast. He's breathing all wrong, starting to gasp like there's not enough oxygen in the air.

Why did he have to bring this up?

Why did he have to come?

Why couldn't he have just stayed in his room with Katsuki?

He didn't think before he did it. He didn't think that maybe Katsuki would want to stay. And he certainly didn't think about Aizawa seeing. He had to get out. So he took the only person he wanted with him.

He was rushed outside into piercing cold air. He couldn't breathe. Everything's spinning, and it felt as if the ground was melting under his feet. Izuku fell to his hands and knees, his breathing shallow and fast. The sky was dark and moody, the air so cold it hurt to breathe, or maybe it was just the panic attack setting in. Izuku gasped for breath. His hands gripped at his chest as shooting pain ran through his body. He felt like he was dying.

Why did this have to happen to him?

Katsuki's head spun as he was ripped from his seat. He felt sick at the sudden movement, but the sound of gasping breath bought him out of his stupor. Izuku was shaking like a leaf, and collapsed on the ground beneath them. Katsuki hadn't seen him this upset in a long time and it shook him to his bones. He rushed to Izukus's side and pulled him into his arms. He was barely breathing, only letting out short gasps and cries.

"Izuku. Izuku breathe." He rocked them back and forth slowly, "it's ok, Izuku. I'm here. I'm not goin' anywhere."

Izuku's breathing steadied as he slowly calmed down. His tears dried as he pulled himself closer to Katsuki.

He looked around, trying to figure out where they were as he ran his fingers through Izuku's hair. The place was a complete mess, to put it nicely. It was so cold he would have sworn they were outside. But the crumbling walls around them proved him wrong. At one point, it had probably been a luxury apartment, with floor to ceiling windows all around. But now, broken windows and cracked walls are all he could see. Katsuki could see the outline of an old desk in the darkness.

"Izu, where are we?"

Izuku sniffed and sat up, still holding him tightly. "Just an old base."

"Oh, for Chaos?" The answer was obvious, but he wanted to keep Izuku talking.

"Yeah. It used to look a bit nicer." His eyes darted around the dark room, "I haven't been here in a while."

Aizawa didn't mind going to get the kids. What he did mind was All Might tagging along. The oaf had caused his problem child to run off in the first place. He doubted Midoriya would appreciate seeing him right now. Though he was curious why All Might had seemed so worried when Inko had told them where to go.

The drive with All Might was awkward and was made worse by the worry they were both feeling.

"So, are you going to tell me or not?"

All might look like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar, "wh- what do you mean Aizawa?"

He gripped the wheel tighter, "I saw the look on your face back with Inko. So, where is he?"

"You can't tell anyone."

"Wasn't plannin' on it."

He sighed, "it's where I found him. When he was 8."

Aizawa whipped his head around to look at All Might's face. He wasn't joking. "And why the FUCK would he go back there?!"

All Might looked near tears, "that's what I want to know too. I thought he had gotten past this."

"What do you mean?" Aizawa was beyond confused and concerned. "How long was he with that villain?"

"He went missing when he was 4, Aizawa."

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