Chapter 34

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"Do you think she's working for You-Know-Who?" Hermione asked.

Harry shrugged, "Well, it's a possibility, isn't it?"

"I suppose," Hermione said, "He could have her under the Imperius Curse."

"She's not being controlled, not by that spell." I said, grabbing myself a chicken sandwich from beside Harry.

"How do you know?"

"When someone is being controlled by magic, like Ginny was, or by the Imperius curse, their scent is..." I trailed off, trying to find the right way to explain it. "Part of everyone's scent is their emotions, but when that control is placed on them, it's like their emotions are turned off. Which means that a good part of their scent is gone."

Hermione looked disturbed, "You can smell people's emotions?"

"Yes, sometimes it's more of a curse than a gift." I shivered at some of the emotions that I've smelt over the years. "Umbridge's emotions are intact. Annoyance and smugness are her big ones, but the confusion that's usually associated with the Imperius curse isn't there."

"Alright, so she's not being controlled." Ron said. The sound of flapping wings and owl hoots alerted us that it was mail time.

"But Dumbledore didn't have a choice, did he?" Harry said, "She's been sent by the ministry"

Hermione scoffed, muttering angrily about the ministry as she opened the daily prophet that was dropped off in front of Harry.

"Anything about Harry?" Ron asked.

Hermione shook her head, so I grabbed my letters. One was from Remus and the other... from Chris? It had a postage stamp on it, so he obviously didn't owl me. I looked at the address and saw that it was Moody's apartment that was written.

"Hey guys, there's something I have to do. I'll see you guys later." I said. I ignored their curious eyes and got up. As I walked, I opened the envelope.

"Hi Dani,

I know I'm the last person you want to hear from. Mr. Moody paid us a visit a few years ago and told us that you were staying with him. I'm glad to know you have a home. It's different here without you. I miss you. We all do, but Dad and Kate won't admit it. You know how they are with their pride.

There's something important, I have to tell you. Dad didn't want me to tell you, but no matter what, you're an Argent. A few months ago, Mom was diagnosed with cancer..."

I paused. Please no. God, please, no.

I continued reading, "The treatments didn't work; she died last week." My legs gave out, and I fell to my knees. I kept re-reading that one line over and over, trying to wrap my head around it. Memories resurfaced.

There was the time I tried to shoot an arrow, and somehow, I ended up cutting my hand. I remembered crying over it, and then she came over and wiped it. She placed a bandage over it and kissed it better.

There was also the time I got in trouble at school for fighting. I got so scared that Dad would be the one to pick up the phone, but by some miracle, it was my mother. After I told her what happened, we ended up going for ice cream, and we had a movie day.

It wasn't only the good memories though, I also remembered our fights, the punishments and the look she gave me when I refused to kill myself for the code.


I looked up from the letter and saw McGonagall crouched in front of me. The concern in her eyes was the last straw. I let out a loud sob as the tears finally fell.

Howl with me  ↠  R.J. LupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang