Chapter 16 [Edited]

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"Daniella? What are – Sorry, can I help you with anything?" Professor Lupin asked as he opened the door.

"I was sick, so I went to Madam Pomfrey, and she happened to let it slip that you were sick as well," I said, "Thought I'd come by to see if you were ok and I brought soup" I held up the two containers of soup that I got from the kitchen

"How kind, but I don't think it would be appropriate," He said.

"Just take the soup." I just turned to walk away, swallowing a whimper. After years of studying the behaviour of wolves, I knew that my wolf side was hurt that my mate was rejecting the 'hunt' I brought back.

He sighed, "Wait, Daniella" I turned back to him, and he opened the door, "Come on in"

I walked up to the door, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Yes, it's the least I could do, you brought me soup after all" I smiled walked in. He closed the door.

"Where did—" As I turned around, I was met with a bare chest, his robe open. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Come on Daniella, you're not just a horny teenager, you're a badass werewolf. But a werewolf standing right in front of her mate. I shook my head and opened my eyes again.

"Daniella, are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just dizzy for a moment."

He jumped into action; he grabbed a chair and had me sit. "Maybe you shouldn't have walked this far."

I waved him off, "This is nothing. Moody had me training with the flu."

He looked at me disapprovingly, "Doesn't mean you should be walking around anyway. What if you collapsed on your way here?"

"I would've been brought to the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey would fix me up."

"Poppy can only do so much."

I stopped him, "Did—" I started, "Did you just call her Poppy?"

He realized his mistake, "Forget what happened."

"I can't just do that," I said

"I'll give you an O on your next test. Just don't tell her I called her that."

"Professor Lupin, are you bribing me?"

"That depends," he said, "Is it working?"

I laughed, "No, but don't worry. I won't get you in trouble with Poppy," I teased. He groaned but then started coughing. That's when I decided to set up two desks, like when we played cards and took out the soup.

I gave him a spoon, "I hope you like chicken noodle soup. My mom used to make it all the time when me, Kate or Chris, were sick."

"Are they your siblings?" He asked.

I smiled sadly, "Yeah, Kate was my big sister. She was the middle child. Chris was our big brother. He's the last one I talked to before I left"

"Do you think you'll ever talk to them again?"

"I wish I could, but I'd just end up hurt, or killed," I said. The conversation stopped there.


"How dare you abandon us, Dani! We trusted you," the twins yelled as I climbed onto a carriage with Ron and Hermione.

"Shut up will you, I went with you last time," I said. They flipped me off, but before I could respond, they both got hit upside the head by McGonagall. As the carriage started moving, I saw McGonagall scolding them, and I couldn't help but cackle.

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