Chapter 7 [Edited]

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"Hey, guys, not going home today?" I said walking into the great hall, most people were going home for the Christmas break, but Harry and Ron were sitting at the table playing wizard's chess.

"There was a change in plans. Mom and Dad are going to visit Charlie in Romania," Ron said and then moved a piece.

"My aunt and uncle probably don't want me to go home. What about you?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea where the old geezer is. He said he was going after a dark wizard" 

"Is he an auror?" Ron asked. I nodded, and a look of awe crossed his face. "Wicked!" 

 I laughed and looked around, pulling my sweater closer to myself, "Have you seen the twins, they said to meet them here"

"Haven't seen them. You may want to try Jordan," He said, pointing to the end of the table. Lee was there trying to woo a girl, and by the looks of it... failing badly. 

I walked over and sat across from him, "Lee, where are the twins?" I asked. He stopped his flirting and turned to me. The girl looked at me gratefully as she made her escape.

"Hey! Wait!" Lee called out to her, but she just continued walking. He sighed and looked back at me.

"You're as bad as the twins" 

He just shrugged, "What can I help you with?"

"Where are the twins?"

"They were still snoring away when I left half an hour ago."

I groaned and walked back to Harry and Ron.

"No luck?" Harry asked.

"They're still sleeping, I'm sticking with you for a bit," I said. They nodded, and that's when Ron called checkmate.

"Again?" Harry exclaimed. I laughed at him.

He turned to glare at me, "You try beating him then!" He said.

I shook my head, scooting back, "No, thank you, I know I suck at chess. I don't need him to tell me that." I said.

Ron shrugged, and he reset the board, "Fancy another game?" He asked. Harry nodded, and his eyes held determination. Poor child. He sucks just as bad as I do. I watched them play for a while, zoning out, only regaining focus when I heard Hermione. I looked at her and waved.

"I see you've packed," Ron says.

"I see you haven't," She replied. They started talking, and I yawned, a sudden wave of exhaustion hitting me... probably shouldn't have stayed up so late to read last night...

"As we're not doing anything, I'm going to head back to bed. Hopefully, before the twins wake up and drag me away. I'll see you after the break, Hermione?" I asked. She nodded, and I gave her a quick hug before walking back to my dorm. Fortunately, I made it without seeing the twins, but once I got into my room, I saw that they had vandalized my room. The once red room was bright pink. They knew that Angelina and I hated pink. On top of that, they put posters of Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch captain, all over Angelina's side. I had to laugh at that one.

For my side, they put cat poster... knowing that I hate cats... ever since I became a werewolf, they've bothered me with their evil eyes and those cute but dangerous paws.

"I'll kill them later," I mumbled as I flopped onto the bed.


"Dani! Wake up! It's Christmas!" I heard the twins yell.

I slowly lifted my head, and glared at the door, trying to kill them with the glare, "Why would you two idiots wake me up at this ungodly hour!"

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