Chapter 1 [Edited]

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"Please, Dad! Please don't make me do this!" I cried grasping my arm; I didn't mean to get bit; I was trying to help them escape.

"You know the code, though apparently, don't follow it. No daughter of mine will help any werewolves" My father said and closed the door. I couldn't help but start sobbing.

My older brother, Chris, came in a few minutes later. "Why'd you do it?" He asked, sitting on my bed.

I looked at him and asked, "How could you not? They were innocent, they had a child."

"They hurt people."

My jaw clenched "There's no solid proof! Anyone could have caused the injuries found on the body!"

"Look, dad's the head of the family. He calls the shots."

I walked over to the window and opened it, "You follow blindly... It doesn't make you any better than him. You, him and Kate... You're all the same"

"You leave, and you're no longer an Argent."

I smiled sadly, "I think you'll find that I never was. Tell the others that I'm sorry, but I quit" I jumped out the window.


"One-way ticket to New York please," I asked the lady at the desk.

"Little young to be travelling alone, aren't you honey?" She said.

I rolled my eyes in irritation. "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want the ticket," I snapped. The lady scoffed and started writing on her post-it notes. I glared at the pen as she wrote, and to our surprise, the ink from the pen exploded everywhere. She screamed and jumped up. Was... was that me? I mean, I knew strange things happened when I got mad, but I don't know how they happened. The lady just glared at me and walked away.

A man came and took her spot. "Sorry about that. Must've been too much pressure on the pen. What were we getting today?"

"Just a one-way ticket to New York please," I said.

The man nodded and printed my ticket. He took my money and handed me the ticket, "Have a nice day" I nodded and got on the bus.


New York City... I forgot how much it stunk.

I walked down the back streets and the alleys until I reached a familiar door. It was a grey door, multiple locks on it and it had a fancy A on it. I unlocked the door and walked in slowly, hoping that no one would be there. Luckily, there wasn't. I ran to the safe and grabbed the money that was in there. I hid the cash in different areas. It'd be suspicious if a 13-year-old were to walk around New York with over 10 Grand in her pocket, not to mention stupid, so I went to open a bank account. The guy not even questioning where I got the money from... Must be used to it... strange, but I got lucky.

I started walking, looking for a restaurant that I would like when I felt someone following me. I quickly took a few turns, and the man was still there. I turned in an alley and climbed. I hid on the roof of a low building and looked over the side. The man was still there! He was also wearing a weird hat. I watched him look around and then I saw him take out a stick. He muttered something and light came out of the stick. I backed up, and suddenly, the man looked up. I cursed and ran.

Something whizzed past me, and I quickly made my way down the building. More jets of lights went past me. My new werewolf senses, giving me the reflexes to dodge them.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I heard and suddenly, I couldn't move. I fell face first, and the man walked over.

The man turned me over, and I could see him heaving, "You gave me quite a workout, didn't you, mutt?" His eyes held so much hate, it wasn't necessarily aimed at me, but I could feel the hate from the stare. Before he could say anything else;

"Expelliamus! Stupefy!" I heard. The man went flying, and another man walked over. He had a very noticeable limp and a cane.

"I've looking for you for weeks," the second man said, walking over to the now barely conscious man.

The man laughed, "Alastor Moody, never thought I'd see you again" This "Moody" guy just hit him over the head, and he slumped down, completely knocked out. He turned to me, and my heart started racing. He muttered something while pointing the stick at me, and it felt like a weight was lifted. I slowly sat up, eyeing this guy warily.

"You're a lucky one girl. Where are you staying? I'll walk you back," He asked.

I got up and dusted myself off. "No offence, but you're just as suspicious as that guy is and what is it with those sticks?"

He looked at his wand, then back at me. "Haven't you ever seen a wand?" He asks.

I raised an eyebrow. "Like a witch's wand?" I wasn't aware that witches were a real thing... although, dad may have told me something about while I wasn't listening...

"I'm a wizard, but yes. Witches have them too" He said. After explaining who the wizard he knocked out was, he said he had to take me in to question me. I happily complied... it was free accommodations and food... and technically, I wasn't arrested.

"Moody!" I called out.

The man walked out of an office, "What is it, girl?"

"Well, first, my name is Daniella, and second... It's a full moon tonight..." I whispered.

He deadpanned, "You're a werewolf," I nodded. Then he said, "Where's your family? I should probably bring you back."

I laughed nervously, "They're... uh... My father disowned me."

"Because you're a werewolf?"

"It went against the code," I whispered.

He looked at me sadly. "You're welcome to stay with me. I've got a spare room."

I looked at him wide-eyed, "You're going to let a girl, who you just met hours ago stay at your home?"

He frowned, "Well, it's more like an apartment that happens to have a cell that's strong enough to hold a werewolf..." He trailed off.

"Should I ask why you have a cell there?"

"Constant vigilance. That's why" He said very seriously. I had to stifle a laugh, "Do you want the room for tonight, or do you want me to arrest you tomorrow morning instead?" I took the room, obviously.


I stayed with him for a year, helping him catch some of the dark wizards that tried to flee to America. I was named an honorary junior Auror. Most of the time, Moody trained me to detect if someone lied, if someone was under a curse or if someone had drunk Polyjuice potion. He also had me smelling where some wizards or witches were hiding... Yeah... That wasn't pleasant.

One day though, while I was following a scent trail, it suddenly vanished. I let out a growl, and suddenly, a window behind me exploded.

I let out a small scream and looked at Moody. He was looking back at me, as surprised as I was. "By the look on your face, I'm going to guess that wasn't your doing?"

He shook his head. "I think you better come back to England with me," He said. And that my friends... is how I ended up moving to England.

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