Chapter 32

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"What do you mean you're leaving tonight?" Sirius asked childishly.

I sighed, "For the last time, Sirius, it's the red moon."

"Why can't you just stay here like last month?"

"It's the Red Moon," I said like I haven't explained it to him a hundred times before. "My bloodlust and violent tendencies are going to be higher than usual, and tomorrow I'm going to be out for pretty much the whole day. Besides, Snape has to go back to the castle. I might as well go with him"

"Does Remus know?"

I huffed, "Yes Sirius, Remus knows. He's already got an extra-strength potion for tonight." I said. I levitated the last of my books into the trunk and then placed my shrunken bags on top before slamming it shut. I then shrunk that and put it in my pocket.

"What about Logan?" He asked.

"Moody will send him to Hogwarts. I'll just use the school owls in the meantime," I said.

"Don't get into too much trouble," He said.

I smiled and brought him into a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me and sighed, "It's going to be awfully dull without any of you kids around here," He said.

"The year will be over before you know it, and we'll be right back." I said, and then took a deep breath, "Time to go. Tell Remus I love him, alright?" I asked.

"Why don't you tell me yourself?"

I wrenched myself away from Sirius to find Remus leaning against the doorway.

"You're here!" I exclaimed and ran into his arms.

He groaned in pain as I did, "You don't think I'd let you leave without a proper goodbye, did you?" He asked.

"That's my cue to leave," Sirius said as he walked out the door, purposely pushing me closer to Remus.

I laughed and looked at Remus, "Do be careful if you get any missions. I don't want to lose you," I said.

"I love you," He said and brought two fingers under my chin. He lifted it and gently pressed his lips against mine. I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Our lips moved together in sync for a while until he pulled away, slightly panting.

He placed his forehead against mine, his eyes closing once again. "I'm going to miss you so much," He said.

"I'm only an owl away, and you could always come to Hogsmeade," I suggested.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He smiled.

"You could use it as an excuse to get more chocolate," I said.

"Please, if anything, chocolate is going to be an excuse to see you."

"You've been hanging around Siri—" "MS ARGENT!"

"Time to go," I groaned. I reached up and gave him one last peck, "I love you too, Remus" After that, I rushed downstairs, skidding to a stop in front of Professor Snape and... Dumbledore?

At the look of confusion, the older professor chuckled, "The wards against apparition around Hogwarts do not apply to me, Ms. Argent" He said, "Do you have everything you need?"

I patted my pocket, and he nodded, "Very well. Severus, Ms. Argent, please take hold of my arm," He instructed. Snape took his left arm, and I, his right.

"Bye!" I waved at everyone before I got sucked into a tube.

"Gaah! I hate apparition!" I stumbled away from the professors. I stumbled over to the nearest stable object, which happened to be a bookshelf.

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