Chapter 19 [Edited]

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"I swear to god, I'm going to kill him" I said. I went back to the shack and ripped part of my cloak to make a bandage for Ron. The two came in and the dog dragged Ron to the bed. I got up from the chair and made my way to him.

"Dani?" He asked, "Did he bring you here too?"

"I've been here for a while" Was all I said. I grabbed his leg, ignoring the hiss of pain and pulled the pant leg up.

"Jesus Christ, did you have to hurt him this much?" I turned to Sirius who was just looking at me, still in dog form. I sighed, "Just go sit over there, where you won't scare him half to death" He growled, but I flashed my eyes. His tail unconsciously tucked itself between his legs as he padded over to the corner.

"You know the dog?" Ron exclaimed.

I sighed, "Unfortunately. He's a giant pain in my ass" I said as I started wrapping the wound. I heard a squeak and looked up. The rat was staring at me. I flashed my eyes and it squeaked louder, trying to get away.

"Daniella!" Ron yelled. I looked up from the rat and saw Ron pointing behind me. Please don't tell me Sirius did what I think he did. I turned around and saw him standing behind the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked.

I was about to start ranting, but Harry and Hermione burst in, "Ron! You're okay! Daniella?"

"The dog, where's the—"

"He's the dog. It's a trap, Harry. He's an Animagus" Harry looked down and saw the paw prints turn into human hands and feet. Sirius creepily closed the door.

I sighed. "God dam drama queen"

Sirius shot me a look pretty much telling me to shut up

Hermione pushed Harry behind her, "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us, too!

Sirius took a step forward, "No. Only one will die tonight.

"Then it'll be you!" Harry lunged at Sirius

"Harry! No!" I said and ran forward. I tried to lift him off the man, but his grip was tight, it was awkward.

"Going to kill me, Harry?"


I groaned, "Harry, let go of him. Sirius, you shut up" I said and tugged again. Finally, Harry let go. I put him with the others and stood in between them.

"Daniella?" I ignored the sound of betrayal in Harry's voice. This was something that had to be done. The door opened again, and Remus walked in

"Professor Lupin" The kids exclaimed.

Remus ignored them, looking at me first, "Thank you Daniella," He turned his attention to Sirius, "looking a bit ragged, aren't we, Sirius? Finally, the skin reflects the madness within."

"You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?"

"For the love of—" Remus grabbed Sirius' hand and lifted him into a hug.

Hermione gasped "No! I trusted you! I covered up for you. And all this time you've been his friend!" She turned to Harry and Ron, "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes" Harry and Ron stared, dumbfounded, at Lupin. Sirius starts laughing and both Remus and I looked at him exasperatedly.

"And you!" Harry pointed at me, "I thought you were my friend... We're you faking it the whole time?"

I shook my head, "No I wasn't faking it, but Harry, there's things you don't know" I said

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