Chapter 20 [Edited]

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I walked into the Great Hall, my eyes instinctively going to Remus' spot. I frowned when I didn't see him.

"Daniella, you're ok!" Hermione jumped up from the table as I walked over.

I smiled as much as I could and sat down next to her, "Is Sirius ok?" I asked

She nodded, "He and Buckbeak escaped last night" she said, "Is Professor Lupin ok?"

I frowned. When I woke up this morning, I was alone in the meadow. His scent very faint, which meant he had left long before I woke up, "To be honest, I don't know. I woke up alone"

"He's your mate?".

I nodded.

"How does that work when he's our teacher?"

"Technically if we were to pursue a relationship, it would be illegal on the grounds that he's my teacher, but once he's no longer my teacher, we'll be safe" I said, "That's if he even wants to be in a relationship with me"

"Why do your eyes turn red when you transform?" She asked.

"They turn blue," I said.

"They were red."

"That can't be," I said. I looked around and zoned in on Lavender Brown.

"Lavender, do you have a mirror on you?" I asked. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a compact mirror. I took it from her and turned towards the wall. I flashed my eyes and like Hermione said, they were red. I closed my eyes, hoping it was just a trick of the light, but when I opened them again, they were still red.

I gasped, "No, I can't be," I closed the mirror, thanking Lavender as I gave it back to her, "I have to go."


"I need to look for something" I said. Luckily, she didn't push further. I left the Great Hall, taking one last look at the professors' table. He still wasn't there. As I walked to the Gryffindor common room, I heard whispers.

"Did you hear? Professor Lupin is leaving," One boy was saying. I froze.

"Man, that sucks, I liked him as a teacher"

"But I don't know how I feel about him being a werewolf. Aren't they supposed to be a force of evil?"

My eyes widened. My eyes could wait, I had to go see Remus! I ran to his office just in time to see Harry walking out, "Is he still in there?" I asked.

He nodded, "He's waiting for you"

I looked past him to see Remus packing the rest of his things, "I'll see you later Harry" He nodded, and I walked into the office, "Hey"

Remus turned around and smiled softly, "Daniella, I'm glad you came" He said. He waved his wand and the door closed behind me, "Have a seat" He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. I did as he said and took a seat. He sat down in the other one and it was quiet.

"I hear you're leaving" I said after a while.

He nodded, "The students know I'm a werewolf. It's only a matter of time before their parents know as well"

"And we all know what Malfoy's going to do" I added.

"I'd rather not trouble Dumbledore with this"

"If it makes you feel any better, you were the best teacher we had" He smiled, taking my hand in his. My breath hitched and my eyes flickered up to his.

"That means a lot coming from you, but Daniella, this can't happen" He gestured between the two of us.

"What do you mean?" I asked, tightening my grip on his hand, "We're mates"

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