Chapter 38

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A/N: Her Everyone! Sorry I haven't been writing lately. Writer's block is a bitch, but i think i'm getting back into it! Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

"You know, the beds are a lot more comfortable than the couches," I said, announcing my presence to the red-haired siblings.

"Dani," George got up. He had obviously stayed up all night. The bags under his eyes were more prominent than usual, and the scent of worry was all over, not just him, though; the others had it too, "I'm guessing you heard about Dad?" He asked.

I nodded, "Dumbledore thought it'd be a good idea for me to come with you guys. Moral support and all that," I said.

"We appreciate it," Fred said from his place on the couch. He couldn't get up; Ginny was passed out on his chest.

"First order of business, all of you go to bed," I said.

"Mom and Dad could be here any minute," George protested.

"George, your father, is going to be exhausted, and seeing all of you this tired, is going to worry him and Molly even more. Go get some sleep. I'll come to wake you guys up when they get here."

Ron tried to protest this time, but he was interrupted by his own yawn.

"She's got a point. You should all get some rest" Sirius walked into the room, "Make use of all the renovations. I'm starting to think I wasted my money here" He tried to lighten the mood, but all he got were strained smiles.

"You too, Harry, get some rest. You know where your rooms are." I said. Luckily this time, they didn't fight it, "I'll grab Ginny," I said, gently picking her up.

I walked behind everyone, ensuring they went to their rooms before putting Ginny down in her bed. I pulled the covers over her, and her eyes fluttered open.

"Is Dad going to be ok?"

"Your dad's a fighter. He'll make it" Was all I said before kissing her forehead.

"Thank you, Dani."

All I could do was smile as I walked out, closing the door. I made sure everyone else was actually in bed before going back down. Sirius was sitting in the renovated dining room, "Hey, you ok?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"I've lost so much because of him. My family, James and Lily, my chance at being a good godfather, my friendship with Remus, the fallen members of the order...." He trailed off, "I'm tired of all the fighting."

"And that's on being human. Our history is written in the blood of our battles. We fought the things we didn't know; just look at the witch burnings. We even fought the things we do know; we eradicated villages in the name of leaders. Humans are not peaceful beings. I don't we ever will be. All we can do is enjoy the time we're given to rest."

He snorted, "I thought Moony was supposed to be the one to come up with the deep, meaningful quotes, not you," He said, "You're usually the cheerful one."

"Everyone has their demons, Sirius. You of all people should know that," I said. All he did was fiddle with the coin sitting on the table.

"Thank you," He finally whispered so low that I had trouble even hearing it. Then, as we sat in the silence, the door opened and in came Mrs. Weasley.

I smiled, "How is he?"

Molly looked up and smiled when she saw me, "Daniella, dear. How are you? How was the full moon yesterday?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"It was alright. Sat in the shrieking shack the whole night," I said.

"Where are the children?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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