Chapter 6 [Edited]

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"It was my fault Professor," Hermione piped up before any of us could say anything.

All the teachers present looked at Hermione shocked, and I don't blame them, I wouldn't believe it if the rule-abiding student would suddenly break a rule either, but it was McGonagall who looked the most surprised, "Ms. Granger?" she asked

"I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could handle it," Hermione looked at all of us, "I was wrong. If those three didn't show up, I'd surely be dead."

The professors looked at the troll, and I know for sure that McGonagall saw the scratch marks as I saw her glance at me. Snape was glancing at me too. I got up and started walking towards the door,

"Where do you think you're going Ms. Argent?" the potions master asked.

I looked at him and then glanced down. I smelt blood. He held his cloak tighter to his body as if to hide the stench of blood. I rose an eyebrow, "I'm going to bed. I've had enough action for one night" He gave me his signature look and eventually stepped aside. I walked off to the common room.

"Caput Draconis" I said to the painting. The Fat Lady wanted to ask something, probably why I was so dirty, but I just shook my head. She opened the door, and I walked to my dorm, waving to the twins and Lee on my way. I took off the uniform, which left me in my tank top and underwear and climbed under the covers. As soon as I got comfortable, I closed my eyes, and I was out like a light.


"Woah, slow down there. I don't want you to puke on the field" Wood said as he sat down next to me. The twins were in front of me, and Angelina was on the other side of me.

"Hey, maybe it'll land on the Slytherin seeker and blind him," I retorted sarcastically. His face suddenly brightened, and he piled a lot more food on my plate... Including ham.

"Woah! No ham!" I exclaimed and threw the ham on his plate. The texture is just too weird for me.

"Fine then," Wood said and put some breakfast sausage on my plate. I put my hand over my plate, and he nodded, proud of his work before he started serving himself, "The Slytherins always cheat, but this year, we have our secret weapons. Harry and Dani," Oliver began.

"You do know that they're not secret right? Literally, the whole school knows they've made the team," Angelina said. Oliver just shrugged.

I shook my head and looked at Angelina, "I don't think he has room for common sense in there anymore... It's all quidditch," I whispered to her. She laughed, trying not to spit her pumpkin juice out. I smiled at her, and suddenly, there was porridge on my face. That was it for her. She started laughing. I quickly wiped it off my face, and I turned to Oliver to yell at him. Who else would throw porridge at me? But he was looking wide-eyed to something in front of me. I followed his line of sight to see a packaged broom. How did I know that's what it was? It has a very distinct shape. I took it and opened it, quickly getting rid of the paper full of porridge. Moody was telling me about this... It's the newest model of the Nimbus!

"But...How?" Oliver exclaimed; eyes full of jealousy. I smiled, looking up at McGonagall. She smiled back at me and winked. That's what she meant by talking to Dumbledore? I thought she was just going to let us on the team.

"Who gave you that?" George asked.

"Someone interested to see how well I play." Was all I said.


"So, first game," Angelina said next to me as we waited for the doors to the pitch open. I nodded and gripped the broom tighter. When they did open, we all got on our brooms, "Don't make us look bad, you got it?" She said and off she went.

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