Chapter 9 [Edited]

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"Weren't you the one who said you wanted to keep our arrangement a secret?" I asked as Alastor, and I walked up to the Weasley's burrow. 

He knocked on the door, "I've known Molly for years. I trust her."

"Oh dear, I'll be there in a minute!" I heard from inside. A few moments later, the door opened, and I saw a woman. Even if I didn't know this was the twins' mother, I would've figured it out rather quickly. The twins looked a lot like her, and not just because of the hair. 

"Moody?" She asked.

He just nodded. "Good evening Molly, good to see ya, I've come to drop off Dani here" He gestured to me. The woman tore her eyes away from him and looked at me. I waved with an amused smile.

"Dani? Wait, the twins' Dani? Moody, you haven't been kidnapping children, have you?"

"I'm offended you would think that."

"I don't know what you've been doing, you could've easily snapped and gone mad."

"He's already halfway there. But no, he didn't kidnap me. I was being chased by a dark wizard, and he saved me, offered me a place to sleep for the night. I just...never left," I briefly explained. No way I was going to tell her I was a werewolf right off the bat.

"And he let you?" Molly asked. I nodded. "The twins are in the backyard. They're de-gnoming the garden."

I nodded and went in the back. The twins were teaching the gnomes how to dance, not de-gnoming, "Didn't know you two could dance" I piped up.

George let out a scream, and I started laughing, "Don't do that!" He exclaimed, trying to regain his breath and calm down his heart. I must've scared him pretty badly.

"I'm sorry," I said, trying to stop laughing.

"No, you're not. When did you even get here?" Fred asked laughing with me

"About 2 minutes ago. The old man is just talking to your mother. A very nice lady by the way."

"Dani?" I heard. I looked behind me and saw Ron rubbing his eyes. He let out a yawn and smiled.

"Hey Ron, how's your summer?" I asked, ignoring the twins poking me in the sides.

"Quiet, what are you doing here?"

"Ok, stop it!" I swatted the twins away, "They insisted that I come over. I asked the old man, and he brought me here."

"Ok, I'm just going to go back to bed," He said and turned around. As he walked away, I turned to the twins, "So, who's going to give me the tour of the place?"


"This is a horrible idea," I said as I got into the driver's seat of the Ford Anglia.

"Do you want me to drive instead?" Fred asked, climbing into the passenger seat.

I shot him a look, "You've driven this car twice, and both times, I had to stop you from crashing it. No, I'm not letting you drive" I started the car. George and Ron climbed in the back, and we were off, "I swear, if this car doesn't kill me, your mother will" I drove out on the path and finally gained enough speed to lift off.

"You're still a guest. She won't be too hard on you," George piped up from the back. I smiled at him through the rear-view mirror.

We had a long drive; I mean flight in front of us. I turned the radio on and started singing along to the songs that came on. I was happy Mr. Weasley didn't tinker with the radio.

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