Chapter 3 [Edited]

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"Welcome to Hogwarts. Shortly, you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points wins the house cup." A professor got her speech out. I forget what her name was, but she was an old woman with a green dress. She looked like a nice woman though... but she reminded me of my grandmother... a strict but kind woman.

A boy pushed his way past us and grabbed a toad "Trevor!"

"I'm going to guess that's the Boy that Hermione was talking about. Neville was it?" I whispered to the boys. Harry nodded.

"So, it's true what they're saying on the train then? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts?" A blond kid walked up to us. He reminded me of someone, "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," He said snobbishly. Ron choked out a laugh, and the kid heard.

He looked at Ron and sneered, "You think my name's funny, don't you? Look at you; red hair, hand me down clothes, you must be a Weasley" Malfoy said... wait! That man on the platform! That's who he reminds me of.

"Hey, blondie, does your dad happen to have long blond hair and a cane that he really doesn't need?" I asked.

He slowly nodded, "I told him off back at the train station. You act a lot like him. I'd change that if I were you. Probably won't get many friends that way," I said. He glared at me. I only smiled, and he looked back at Potter.

"You'll find some wizarding families are better than others. You don't want to make friends with the wrong sort now do you?" Malfoy said. I scoffed. Arrogant little bastard, isn't he?

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," Harry said.

I couldn't help but laugh, "You tell him, Harry," I said. That's when the professor came back. She shushed us, well, me and led us inside the next room. Like on the train, I let out a whistle.

"It's not real, they just charmed it to look like the sky. I read it in Hogwarts: A History," I heard Hermione say to another student.

"Well, there goes that mystery," I muttered. I yawned, and the teacher started talking. I honestly didn't listen; I was too busy eavesdropping on some conversation. Being a werewolf was sometimes distracting, but now I knew that a seventh year impregnated a fourth year. Apparently, they were both expelled, but they were living together. They decided to keep the baby.

"And lastly, due to extraordinary circumstances, 14-year-old Daniella Argent will be attending her first year here at Hogwarts" I heard the bearded old guy say. From what Moody told me, I'm guessing that it's Dumbledore.

"Just announce it to everyone, why don't you" I muttered. The green lady gestured for me to come up, and she placed a hat on my head.

"very interesting" It hummed.

I turned to the lady, "Is it supposed to talk?" She looked at me, amused and nodded. I gave her a thumb's up and looked back to the front.

"You have courage and bravery. Lots of it, you're very cunning as well...Ravenclaw isn't suited for you no... Slytherin or Gryffindor I'd say..." The hat trailed off.

"Just put me in the lion house. I like the emblem," I said.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled. I cringed at the volume of the hat and the cheers.

"The red table, Ms. Argent," The lady said. I nodded, and she took the hat off. I pushed my hair back to hide the static and walked towards the red table, trying to tune out most of the cheering. It didn't work very well.

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