Chapter 15 [Edited]

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Daniella's P.o.V

I opened my eyes to see the morning sky. As I regain my senses, I smelled blood. I slowly sat up and found the source, or the past source really... My clothes were torn and shredded, blood dyeing the fabric. Upon further inspection, most of it was mine.

"Oh, dear me. Are you alright, Ms. Argent?" I turned to see Professor McGonagall.

I nodded and slowly got up. I stumbled to the nearest tree, and she rushed over, "This was a bad one," I said.

"I've seen some worse full moons, trust me," She said as we started walking towards the castle.

I looked at her, "From the other werewolf student?" I asked. She nodded. The rest of the walk was rather quiet, and we finally made it to the Gryffindor painting, but the fat woman wasn't there.

"What happened?" I asked.

She sighed, "Sirius Black snuck into the castle last night. He left before we could find him, but don't you worry, it's perfectly safe now."

"Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan at this ungodly hour?" A knight appeared in the painting in front of us, "Oh, good morning, Professor."

McGonagall just nodded, "Sir Cadogan, would you please open the door for Ms. Argent?" The painting swung open, and the Professor looked at me.

"Will you be alright to get to your dorm?" She asked. I nodded, and she let go of me. "You'll be excused from today's classes. I do, however, expect you to be at dinner this evening."


Like I was told, I walked to the Great Hall for dinner. I took a seat next to Fred and started piling my plate higher than usual.

"Tough night?" Fred asked.

I nodded, "I must've gotten into a fight with something strong."

"Did you fight Hagrid's Hippogriff?" George asked.

"I might've. To be honest, I don't remember anything from last night," I shrugged, and took a bite of the roast beef, "Hey, can I borrow the map tonight?"

Fred took the map from his pocket and passed it to me, "Are you planning a prank?" I shook my head, "I just want to go for a walk. I won't be able to sleep tonight" I put the map in my pocket and continued eating.

There was a loud 'thud,' and I looked up. Professor Lupin came in through the side door looking like he hadn't slept in weeks, worse than yesterday.

"There's your future husband" Fred teased.

I kicked him under the table, "Shut up, would you?"


"Ms. Argent?" I heard. Professor Lupin and Professor McGonagall stood there, "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Sorry Professors, I couldn't sleep. I thought watching the stars would help," I said. Professor McGonagall smiled at me sadly. I saw Lupin glance down at the map that I held in my hands.

"We'll inform Mr. Filch not to give you detention. Don't stay up too late," She said. Professor Lupin seemed like he wanted to say something, but as the other Professor walked away, he decided not to.

"Goodnight Ms. Argent," he said and walked away. I smiled as I watched him, and that's when I felt the parchment heat up. I looked down at the map and saw words appearing.

'Mr. Mooney would like to tell Ms. Argent that she looks beautiful tonight.'

I frowned in confusion, "What?"

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