Chapter 5 [Edited]

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"Chaser and Seeker? That's amazing! I was sure that you guys were going to get expelled!" Ron exclaimed as Harry, and I came back from practicing with Oliver Wood. Man, I swear I almost peed myself when I heard McGonagall ask for wood. I really thought she was going to beat us.

"Yeah, I got scared too, and apparently, Harry's the youngest house player in a century," I added. Ron looked at him in awe. I had to laugh; it was too cute! I remember Kate and I looking at Chris that way whenever he was teaching us a complicated move. He'd demonstrate it at first and it that's when we had the looks.

"Good job! Wood's just told us!" I heard the voice of one of the twins. One arm was wrapped around my shoulder, it was Fred. George wrapped his arm around Harry.

"We're on the team too, beaters," Fred said. I smiled and turned, walking backwards.

"If this is anything like sports back in America... How bad is Wood when it comes to coaching, drills and stuff like that?" I asked. They looked at each other and grimaced.

"He's desperate to win the cup... We haven't won since Charlie left. He's bad," George said. I groaned.

"I am going to die. How are you not dead yet?" I dramatically pretended to faint. Fred caught me and pushed me back up.

"Have you ever realized how us Weasleys have a lot of energy. Bill has it for curses, Charlie for dragons, us for pranking and quidditch, Ron for eating and Ginny for talking about Harry." The twins alternated. I laughed as Ron tried to hit George, the closest to him.

"Ok, leave the kid alone, don't you have a class or something?" I asked. They stopped, and both turned to me. Harry and Ron stopped as well

"Why? Ms. Argent, are you trying to get rid of us?" They said simultaneously. I shivered.

"Stop that. It's creepy. And yes actually, I am trying to get rid of you," I said.

"Fine then," Fred said and moved and pulled George with him so that they were facing the boys, leaving me out of it.

"Jerks," I said.


"-another clever idea to get us killed... or worse, expelled!" All I heard was Hermione and the slam of a door. I looked up from my book and looked at the boys, who just walked in.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked. Harry shook his head.

"She needs to get her priorities straight" Ron exclaimed.

"I'm just going to walk away," I said.


"Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. Three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker, that's you," He said, pointing to Harry. Harry nodded.

"There are 3 balls, this one's a Quaffle. The chasers, that you" He continued and paused to point to me this time. Chaser. That was the name of the position. I forgot. He tossed me the ball, and I caught it.

"The chasers handle the quaffle and try to put it in one of those three hoops," He said, pointing to the three hoops.

"The keeper, that's me, defends hoops. With me so far?" He asked. I nodded.

"Kinda sounds like a mix of Soccer and Basketball, to be honest," I said. Both Harry and Oliver looked confused.

"What? You haven't heard of Soccer or basketball?" I asked.

"Basketball, yes, but what is Soccer?" Harry said. I opened my mouth to answer but decided this probably wasn't the best time.

"I'll tell you later," I said. He nodded, and Oliver went back to quidditch.

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