Chapter 36

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"Hermione, where are you dragging me?" I asked.

"The Hog's Head," She replied, not giving me any more information about it.

"The Hog's Head? That doesn't sound sanitary," I commented, and then we arrived at a shady-looking pub, "Doesn't look sanitary either."

She shook her head, "Nevermind that, just come in" Pushing open the door, we were met with a dark, musty pub. The walls were a dark grey colour, the stools and counters matching.

On the wall behind the counter, there was the namesake of the pub. There was a Hog's head. It contented itself by snorting at the patrons. Its attention turned to Hermione, and he suddenly squealed.

The barkeep glanced up, "This ain't a place for youngins," He said.

"We're not here to drink, sir," Hermione said.

"No? Then you can get out."

"We're just looking for a meeting place. Next weekend, two hours at most," Hermione said.

He didn't answer.

"We'll pay you," I added.

He threw the towel over his shoulder and crossed his arms. He just stared at us, and I stared back, making sure it didn't waiver. Eventually, he just sighed, "Saturday, 2 o'clock. You have one hour."

I smiled, "Pleasure doing business with ya," I said.

Hermione then grabbed my arm, and together, we walked out of the pub, "I can't believe we just did that!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I laughed, "If you're excited about walking into a pub, just wait until you have your first legal drink."

"I don't care that I walked into a pub, Dani," She said, "I meant, I can't believe we just took the first step to undermine Professor Umbridge."


The following weekend, I was in charge of leading the guests into the back room of the pub, half, so they don't wander off where they're not supposed to, and a half to make sure the barkeep that Hermione and I met last weekend, didn't scare them off. He wasn't the most welcoming...

Fred, George, Lee, and I kept the others entertained so they wouldn't abandon the meeting before it even started.

Luckily it wasn't too long before Hermione walked in, Harry and Ron at her sides. Most of our guests didn't even notice their arrival.

"Hermione, what's going on?" Harry asked.

"These are some people I mentioned my Defense Against the Dark Arts idea with," Hermione gestured to all of us.

Harry sighed and took a seat on one of the chairs that I had placed in the front, "You mean about teaching ourselves?" He asked.

"Hi Harry," Neville greeted.

Harry awkwardly waved, "Hey, Neville."

"It's good to see that the Horned Snackle-Stacks haven't gotten to you yet, Harry," Luna said.

I had to stifle a laugh when Harry glanced at me, obviously confused about what a Horned Snackle-stack was, "Uhh... Same to you, Luna," He answered. Luna just smiled kindly.

Hermione cleared her throat, trying to get the group's attention, but right now, they were all super invested in the Twins' newest product.

"Excuse me!" She tried. Nothing.

I sighed and slammed my hand on the table. The room went quiet in an instant.

"Don't slam my table! That is mahogany!" The barkeep yelled from the other room.

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